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  1. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    will do . The flower of this plant is very fragrant , the scent was there even at the moment the petals were just slightly part, the scent also there morning and night , I detected it even as late as 2:00 AM , my other hangianums only have any scent after open fully and only in the morning to...
  2. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    Leslie, Today - the dorsal is at 5.5 cm (I think the dorsal now stop growing) - the sepals is at 6.5 cm (it may still growing some more like you said) - for some reason the flower is still very droopy , i have to tilt the pot and take the picture from below to have a better view of the flower ...
  3. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    Tony , you are right, it still increases
  4. H

    Paphiopedilum hangianum

    wow, the petal's width is almost the same as the length, beautiful flower
  5. H

    Plastic mounting plaques for orchids

    I want to change to mounting all of my dendrobiums (instead of in pots) so I can clean them . With mounting, I can turn the dendrobiums upside down and wash the underside of their leaves . I have seen the plaques before but not much about the sources. they are about 3" by 7" Does any one know...
  6. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    15 cm and a full shape likes Mammoth is excellent, because many of the large dimension hangianum flowers tend to be elongated & floppy just as you mentioned .
  7. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    Tony , do you think flowers still expand more after opening ? The reason I wonder about the final flower size after opening, is that it already seems to reach the maximum size of its budding stage (for you can see it starts to open) I check the description of this species, many websites mention...
  8. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    The one in bud right now is not from Hung Sheng breeding, I think it will be just an average looking flower , I measure the bud, it is 5 cm right now, so once open , it will be about 10 cm (unless you tell me that the flower could still extent after opens)
  9. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    I don't know the cross of the one in bud right now, I was hoping for an album when the bud was small, but when the bud grows bigger, it starts to show some red at the bud base , but not enough red either , so there you are, neither wishing alba nor rubra . furthermore, looking at the shape of...
  10. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    I think it shows a "possible terminal flower leaf in the middle" but no bud yet. we can only rely on the advertising photos from Norman orchids,however in my opinion, those photos look random , perhaps not representing the cross...
  11. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    I am not sure , but a long time ago I bought 4 or 5 plants of this cross , 2 from Norman orchids, the other 3 from other sellers, all their tags said : hangianum 'Bear#1' x 'Bear Giant' . I killed all of them , except this lone one survived (I think I was able to save this one plant , because...
  12. H

    different in leaves' shapes of 2 hangianum

    I put them side by side so you can see how different they are. one has elongate and narrow leaves the other has chubby , almost double leaves' width . Does anyone know whether the shape of the leaves indicate the plant's flower shape or not?
  13. H

    Tomorrow , April 30th is our day of sorrow

    for the South Vietnamese who were refugees back in 1975 , no matter who they became , Americans, Canadians, Australians or other countries' citizens , they still hold deep sorrows in their hearts . Back then , North Vietnam used the same pretext of liberate the South (same pretext as Russia...
  14. H

    Flower size for Paph. armeniacum? (with photos now)

    thanks for the explanation Leslie
  15. H

    Flower size for Paph. armeniacum? (with photos now)

    That is a big flower , I think it is at 13 cm compares to the ruler ( not 12 cm that you mentioned) I always wonder in the case of many orchid species , the flowers are not 100% flat , some even with strange shape, how do the judges measure the flowers? Do they flatten the petals to get the true...
  16. H


    stunning .
  17. H

    question on renanthera

    I found the article on (by AOS magazine) for vietnamensis ,but I haven't be able to locate a description of puchella .
  18. H

    question on renanthera

    if you google renanthera vietnamesis or puchella for images separately , they seem to show the same kind of flowers.
  19. H

    Paphiopedilum helenae Questions

    That is quite a helenae collection you have there , I am impressed . When someone concentrates on just one species , he/she can breed for superior plants just from his/her own collection. I assume you already read the old post regarding dedicatum in slippertalk 14 years ago...
  20. H

    question on renanthera

    I could not tell the difference between renanthera Vietnamensis and renanthera puchella , could someone point out to me the key differences to tell them apart?