Well, it depends on the weather. :)
When it's not raining, they water them daily together with the rest of the garden (if I remember right). As I wrote before, orchids are grown there like ordinary garden plants.
I got a big pot of P. insigne as a present. It was to heavy for the airplane so...
I don't know.
The P. insigne are growing that fast in this climate that they might use divisions.
And the best is: They are growing in heavy garden soil. No coconut husk, no bark or anything else. They are treated like usual garden plants.
No, they aren't, if you see them side by side.
The "nipple" on the staminode is different, the backshield of the shoe too, the yellow color of J.Jäger is more intensive, .....
P. Schloss Sanssouci is registereed: http://apps.rhs.org.uk/horticulturaldatabase/orchidregister/orchiddetails.asp?ID=143373
For the other one the breeder told me that he didn't have the name for one parent.
1. Paphiopedilum Lippewunder (a little pale this year)
2. Paphiopedilum lowii
3. Paphiopedilum Clair de Lune 'Edgar van Belle'
4. Paphiopedilum J.Jäger 3704-03
5. Paphiopedilum Schloss Sanssouci
and at least an ordinary...
No good new from here.
Sphagnum: all seedling survived but growing is very slow
Pumice: only one seedling survived
Lava rock and Perlite: 2 seedlings are still alive
One seedlin in lava is growing very well.
Maybe the conditions did not fit ... who knows?
This time the new bud made it to flower. Looks like the key was lower light and a little bit lower temperatures. No problems using lava, my fertilizer has enough Ca and Mg. The new leaves are much larger than the old ones.
The flower is far from being perfect but better than nothing. ;)
The biggest problem was that they used colored light and color changing LEDs an the walls. Not good for the dealers that has their stalls there.
The only way to see the real color of the flowers was to use a flashlight and look at the small led screen on the camera: Oh, that´s the way it looks!