Mine needed higher temperature (20-25°C) and a lot of water during bud grow. It is planted in lava, the roots are mostly in the upper part of the lava rocks, so I have to give water daily.
I stayed in Thailand one month ago and saw a lot of orchids in the wild (national parks), botanic gardens and nurseries. I felt the intensive heat and light, the dryness and heavy rain. I saw how "poor" the orchids look in the dry season but they were much stronger than we think. They were...
I´m not sure. I bought it 2 years ago with a bud and than the flower came with the light colors. I think it was in a greenhouse before.
Here it is in a terrarium under fluorescent light. Water, temperature und fertilizer will differ too.
Btw.: It has a nice smell.
Valerius (Fam. Jäger), in Berlin, Germany.
They only stop their Paph. breeding program.
They created plants like:
Today I visit an orchid nursery which sells all their old plants because they will stop breeding (it´s too expensive and time intensive for them).
They have great botanical forms and and a lot of hybrids there, wish I have more space to get them all. ;)
At the end I bought one of their own...
Lol, that´s right.
As long as pink plants are named violet (violacea) and violet plants named blue - who cares about names? ;)
But the flower is nice - it doesn´t matter what the name is.
My 2nd sukhukulii is open since 1 week and it´s much bigger than my first plant.
First the spike with two buds:
The whole plant:
The flower:
The staminode:
A look from above to see the pollen:
Dot, you don´t need a expensive camera, a RAW program or photoshop to correct the color with the help of a grey card.
You can do this with a JPG or TIF image almost as good, using a cheap grafic program (PSP or PhotoLine) or even freeware (Gimp, ....). If your camera makes RAW but you won´t pay...
Ray, these spectrums didn´t really show the light levels of fluorescent bulbs, these are only theoretical spectrums of a "black body".
Here you can see the spectrums of common fluorescent bulbs (830, 840, 865), the difference lies in the red peak...
Here is a wonderful comparison chart for all common types of light sources with the results in photosynthetic yield/Watt or PAR PPFD.
But it is in german, perhaps Google translate would help.
As you can see here, Growlux is the...