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  1. Ricky

    The Boas Vista Orchids in Funchal, Madeira, Part 1

    Here are some pictures from another nursery in Funchal. It´s part of a bigger beautiful garden called "Quinta da Boa Vista". The owner is a nice old woman from England. Only some greenhouses are open for public viewing, the interesting ones not. Due to heavy storms and flooding some days...
  2. Ricky

    Madeira – Home of the slipper orchids

    All orchids are potted. In Summer 2009 i saw some Phal. Shireen flowering in their gardens. Here some other orchids that were flowering. Zygopetalum: Cattleya:
  3. Ricky

    The Jardim Orquídea in Funchal, Madeira, Part 1

    I´m sorry, but there were no names on the plants. I have an excel sheet with all of their plants but it contains 30 Phrags, so it is not helpful. Sorry.
  4. Ricky

    The Jardim Orquídea in Funchal, Madeira, Part 1

    Well it was much too short, like always. :-( When I came back to my cold hometown I ask myself "Why did I left this beautiful island?".
  5. Ricky

    Madeira – Home of the slipper orchids

    American humor? Looks like I have to improve my lousy english.
  6. Ricky

    The Jardim Orquídea in Funchal, Madeira, Part 1

    This orchid garden and nursery was founded by the family Pregetter from Austria. Only the orchid exhibition is open for public viewing. These pictures are made there. This year I didn´t found so many flowering orchids there, this may be because of the bad weather conditions in december (?)...
  7. Ricky

    Madeira – Home of the slipper orchids

    OK, the title is a joke. There exist no natural slipper orchids in Madeira. Madeira is an island that belongs to Portugal and is placed in the Atlantic Ocean northwest of Africa. The climate is perfect for a lot of tropical and subtropical flowers. And because the people there love to have...
  8. Ricky

    Paphiopedilum delanatii

    Yes it is.
  9. Ricky

    Paphiopedilum delanatii

    I used CHC, charcoal and styrofoam for it. Looks like delanatii like this mix. All the roots you see (and much more) grow into the last 7 month.
  10. Ricky

    Paphiopedilum delanatii

    Here you can see the influence of a hight light level onto the color and lenght of the leaves. The new leaves in front are brighter and more yellow than usual and they are shorter than the older ones. Anyway, the root growth is perfect.
  11. Ricky

    Rhipidoglossum rutilum

    A very nice and easy grower and bloomer from Africa. It has a nice smell similar to Oncidium Sharry Baby. Each of the hundreds of flowers has a wide of about 8 mm.
  12. Ricky

    Trias disciflora

    No fragance and yes, it is related to Bulbos: "SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Podochileae SUBTRIBE Bulbophyllinae. Similar to the genus Bulbophyllum but with floral differences, this genus has 13 rarely seen epiphytic species, that have similar cultural requirements to Bulbophyllum. The...
  13. Ricky

    Trias disciflora

    I grow it warm (20-30°C), medium light, watering 1-2 times a day (like a Bulbo).
  14. Ricky

    Trias disciflora

    Too bad, Trias are easy grower.
  15. Ricky

    P. herrmannii

    I bought it via Ebay at "Blumenhaus Rengers" in Germany. I´ve heared, he only sells paphs that he bought from elsewhere (sometimes at Popow, Germany). So, maybe this one ist from Popow. Ricky
  16. Ricky

    Trias disciflora

  17. Ricky

    P. herrmannii

  18. Ricky

    One pretty hairy monster.

    Good picture - good work with the lightning