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  1. AdamD


    I've dealt with mite damage before, it wasn't mites. I do spray and regulate carefully. Orthene (Acephate) 97 weekly when I have problems. Neem oil when I don't
  2. AdamD


    Why then did it only affect two plants of the exact same cross (that were a few feet away in the shade house) and leave everything in between alone?
  3. AdamD

    Which habeneria?

    Ok never mind, found it. Not a habenaria at all. Cynorkis fastigiata. Great mix up Eric, I love it.
  4. AdamD

    Which habeneria?

    I got this from Eric (thanks man!) as an extra from the auction, labeled habeneria rhodocheila, which it's not. Whatever it is, I'm loving it! Hard to capture such a small flower accurately. I've never seen cerulea tones in a habeneria.
  5. AdamD

    Catasetum Extravaganza

    Yes, Fdk make perfect flowers thanks in large part to the clowesia genes, and in lesser part to the mormodes genes. Mormodes make perfect flowers, but they tend to lean more male or more female. I am a fan of the big catasetums, too. I realize that smaller plants mean more plants, but the...
  6. AdamD

    Catasetum Extravaganza

    (Karen Armstrong x Louise Clarke) So... I bought this as a different cross, but there was a mix up. I'm not a huge fan of mini-ctsms. But, I have to admit, they have been growing on me. If I had to pick a mini cross to get, it would have been this one anyways. Oh, and of course, female...
  7. AdamD

    roth "exotic dancer" x "Titanic" GM/JOGA

    Yes, next time might be stellar
  8. AdamD


    Mormodes Nitty Gritty x mormodes Wild Rainbow
  9. AdamD


    Two days later, a plant from the same cross is showing the same symptoms. And they were the only two affected in my whole collection Also in the trash can. So much for that cross
  10. AdamD


    Pineapple Popcorn is a great cross, it'd be a shame to lose one. I didn't notice that the cross was different on the new list. Good eye!
  11. AdamD


    It's an unbloomed mormodes seedling. I have another of the same cross. Hopefully it'll fare better
  12. AdamD


    Sigh. Tossed it. It's was definitely a mosaic virus, probably caused by insects. The joys of outdoor growing. All things being equal it was very interesting to see. The pics didn't do it justice
  13. AdamD


    A better look. We also had 75 mph straight line winds Saturday night that shredded a few ctsm leaves, not to mention took down trees and knocked out power for a day... Could be wind damage to the leaves
  14. AdamD


    This plant was fine 3 days ago. Two days ago pitting on the leaves started. Yesterday they started to turn brown. Now today, this Is it viral?
  15. AdamD

    a few Masdevallia

    Wowee those are killer. If I tried to grow them here I'd be the killer. Heat index of 110F today... So for now I'll just settle for drooling over yours! Well grown and flowered
  16. AdamD

    Issues with Cycnoches Leaves

    I've had those leaf warts before. They seem to come and go year to year. Better luck next year. The yellow spots I get too, mine could be mites though. They summer outdoors. My only other guess would be nutrient deficiencies. How much are you feeding, and how often?
  17. AdamD

    Trouble Cycnoches

    Oh I pray it works out for you this time. Growth looks good. Keep it well watered and FEED IT! Lol. I'm using a teaspoon a gallon right now during the heat of summer, almost everything gets watered and fed almost every day (some twice a day). But I did ease it up to that point incrementally.
  18. AdamD

    Nutrient level test

    From Mr. Alfredo Manrique: Some time a go. I managed to collect leaves of several orchid species from the wild. A lab test for nutrients levels was made. I am sure that the results would be of interest for you- I have attached them.
  19. AdamD


    That is the fullest roundest clowesetum I've ever seen! Have you sent a pic to Fred? I'm sure he'd be ecstatic with that outcome. I really enjoy everything about that flower It's a first blooming, I'd say it's probably done opening. It will be very consistent in size, shape, and color. It may...
  20. AdamD

    More Multis

    Towering dorsals on the last two, very nice. Thanks for sharing