Sigh... the first flowers are starting to open and judging isn’t until Dec. 9th... FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!
In all seriousness I’m stoked, awards or none! I don’t want to jinx it though.
Here’s another mislabeled mormodes, beautiful flower though. I didn’t get very good pics before I pollinated it, now the flowers are staring to fade. Maybe next time. Smells strongly of lemon Pledge. Enjoy
I’ve posted this one before. It’s put out two spikes so far this year with a 3rd on the way. Ns is sitting still at 11 cm. First pic is from 2nd spike. The other two are spike 1. Both spikes got damaged by falls :mad: I need to come up with a better system. Ah well. Enjoy
I have to pray that all spikes open around the same time, and that that coincides with judging, and that I have no work that weekend. I’m sure it will all work out the way it’s supposed to in the end
I do a full teaspoon/gal (up to 100 ppm N, 550 total ppm) in the summer months, I build up and down gradually. I grow outside in a shade house in the summer, high temps and humidity, about 3000 fc. at around 12 hours a day.
I agree wholeheartedly :( There’s a story behind it. Majestic Orchids Shopper is a Puerto Rican Facebook group that bought something like 1,000 of this cross at full asking price. In return, Fred let them name it.
This is a first bloomer I got from SVO a couple years ago. At the time it was the most advanced Fdk breeding, (Fdk. After Midnight 'SVO Dark Beauty' FCC/AOS x Ctsm. John C Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS). That would make it F3. Now I think there are a few more F3 crosses. Anyways... On it's first...
Sincerely awesome thank you so much! I have one with 8 spikes and around 15 flowers, just checking to see if it was in the realm of the elite. Possible CCM material I guess :D
Mine is not After Dark though. It is Julio David Rios (Mo. Leopard Drops x Ctsm. Donna Wise). Now I just pray for no...