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  1. AdamD

    Cycnoches Jean E. Monnier

    Beautifully grown and flowered! Congrats on that one! I do hope you can make it last until judging, they are so hard to transport in that state, especially after a few days. You might have a pollen firework show!
  2. AdamD

    Dark Swan, Cycnoches

    Oh wow that Dark Swan is gorgeous! Looks like a good blooming season coming up for you. Best of luck
  3. AdamD

    Cynorkis calanthoides

    That is massive compared to my c. fastigiata, which bloomed with multiple growths and flowers in a 2 1/4" pot!
  4. AdamD


    Awesome pics So we live just outside of the path of totality. It seemed silly to me to be so close but not experience the grandeur of it. So I took off work (which I never, ever do), took the kids out their first day of school early (kindergarten and preschool), and we headed southwest to my...
  5. AdamD

    Paph collection

    :evil: Couldn't resist
  6. AdamD

    Paph collection

    That's what she said
  7. AdamD

    Mini Catasetum

    Sounds about right
  8. AdamD

    Second Cycnoches for the year

    Looks like a happy plant, and no bud blast!
  9. AdamD

    Another Mini Catasetum cross

    Killer lip and awesome flower count! Good growing
  10. AdamD

    Mini Catasetum

    Very nice, full round shape, fimbriated lip with distinct callus, nice color contrast and tight grouping. I like it a lot. Has this cross been named yet?
  11. AdamD

    Trouble Cycnoches

    I'd say three years of spike blast is sufficient to curse that fig tree
  12. AdamD

    Aragon's Passport 'Swallow'

    It's so horizontal it's scary!
  13. AdamD

    Paphiopedilum PEOY x Philippinense 'Glow'

    Wow that is a stunner
  14. AdamD

    Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel 'Magnificient'

    Top notch
  15. AdamD

    Trouble Cycnoches

    :mad::confused:Bummer. At this point you have to wonder if it's not genetic.
  16. AdamD

    Fred Clarke speaking in eastern North Carolina

    That will be a good time. I always enjoy his talks. He's coming to St. Louis in October, hope and pray I can make it. Friday the 13th in October none the less!
  17. AdamD

    Trouble Cycnoches

    Oh, I'm praying for you! Looks great!
  18. AdamD

    It’s been a while…selling my collection

    Prayers. Tough call. Good choice
  19. AdamD


    Very well balanced, I love it!
  20. AdamD


    I'm also skeptical, that is why I posted. I will say, catasetinae have crazy fast metabolism this time of year. Possibly if conditions were right? Could it have lied dormant? I just think it's too much of a coincidence not to be genetic or infected in vitro