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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Secundino

    Santa Cruz

    Thanks! More pics of Santa Cruz at 'verdemaravilloso', my green blog.
  2. Secundino

    Paphiopedilum henryanum

    Like it! Good photographs, too. Congrats!
  3. Secundino

    Fertilizer ppm N from Any Fertilizer Formula

    OK, I'll do as soon as possible and will send you a copy.
  4. Secundino


    Yes, it is full and growing strong, already to see. Comparing to the rest of the plant's growing it's quick! I hope that the intense light we have over here will help for the quality (if this is the active parameter, don't know).
  5. Secundino


    No idea when roth's are going to flower over here, it is my first. I thought the flowering time for northern hemisphere would be from march on; but if it is after the hottest season, it would be now ... in any case, I'm happy that the waiting has ended!
  6. Secundino

    Fertilizer ppm N from Any Fertilizer Formula

    Thank you! Ray, I follow every post you share about fertilizing and I wonder if you have some in spanish? If not, would it be OK for you if I - when I've got a bit more of time than right now - to traduce some to share it in 'infojardin/orquídeas' and eventually in my blog? Credits and all...
  7. Secundino

    aberrant Tillandsia flower

    Might be. But they are growing on the same place, like the years before. I'll see if I find an older photograph for comparison. There: Tillandsia cf. brachycaulos by Secun, on Flickr Last flowering in summer 2015.
  8. Secundino

    aberrant Tillandsia flower

    The second time this year that I notice a strange and unusual flower pattern when Tillandsias prepare their spike. Tillandsia cf. brachycaulos by Secun, on Flickr I grow this plant since seven years, and it never has shown this bleached colour. Usually it gets deep red all over, from...
  9. Secundino

    Santa Cruz

    A last photograph of Paphiopedilum Santa Cruz by Secun, on Flickr
  10. Secundino

    Paph Susan Booth 'Highercombe' AM/AOC

    Very very beautiful!
  11. Secundino


    not rothschildianum - but a multifloral disaster! It will be a strange flowering time, if it really is going to flower: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum by Secun, on Flickr I won't complain!:)
  12. Secundino

    Bulbophyllum echinolabium

    Oh wow! A star for flies! Nicely grown plant, congrats!
  13. Secundino

    Migrating from yahoo to ...?

  14. Secundino

    New "Orchidarium"

    Extremely good ventilation is paramount. Good luck - looks good!
  15. Secundino

    Beeclipse - A video of my bees in the eclipse

    Interesting to watch!
  16. Secundino

    Odontoglossum naevium

    So beautiful - I love these frilly andine Odontoglossums! Well grown!
  17. Secundino

    Migrating from yahoo to ...?

    I am looking for an alternative for email in the first place. When I got my first computer time ago a neighbour and friend installed all I needed and that's why I had my account with yahoo. Those were modem-times and I didn't really need an email but a computer to write for my work. Now...
  18. Secundino

    Dendrobium bracteosum - magenta form

    The plant s growing fast but all regarding to spikes and buds and flowers is so slow ....! That's why they last so long, I suppose.
  19. Secundino

    Migrating from yahoo to ...?

    Thanks. Just looked if those companies/servicies are obtainable at my place. But they are no real alternative. They may not sell you(r information) but you can not opt out of direct advertising and they store all about you, your internet behaviour and - your messages. Not an alternative...