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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. M

    Fumimasu Sugiyama unfortunately passed away

    Its a truly sad news as I was fortunate enough to live in Japan during the time of the very early parvisepalum hybrids beginning to flower many of which were made by Fumi Sugiyama. I loved visiting his nursery at weekends and he was very kind to name Paphiopedilum MICHAEL TIBBSafter me way...
  2. M

    Fumimasu Sugiyama unfortunately passed away

    Yes Paph Fumi's Delight is also named for him
  3. M

    Paph Charlie O'Neill "alboflavum"

    yes it would
  4. M

    paph niveum fma album

    This was supplied by me and I have checked in the greenhouse and the niveum albums are grown right next to the Greyi albums and do look very similar in leaf Apologies for the mix up
  5. M

    Exotic plant company?

    Yes it it’s you green and yellow import permit
  6. M

    Paph rothschildianum ‘Exotic Angel’ Dark Angel x Howard P Norton).

    I don’t have any judging system in the Netherlands
  7. M

    Paph rothschildianum ‘Exotic Angel’ Dark Angel x Howard P Norton).

    Thanks Bill. There will be an amazing show of them in a few weeks
  8. M

    Paph rothschildianum ‘Exotic Angel’ Dark Angel x Howard P Norton).

    Yes it’s the first bloom I bought an unflowered seedling here in Europe
  9. M

    Paph rothschildianum ‘Exotic Angel’ Dark Angel x Howard P Norton).

    First flowering seedling 4 flowers and 1 bud still to open NS 31.2cm Dorsal 8.1 cm Second stem emerging from the second established growth
  10. M

    My Polyanthas in 2023

    I honestly think the name is correct Paph Leybaudyanum
  11. M

    Phragmipedium Lovely Lynne

    Hi David I believe all the plants were supplied by myself as I made and raised the cross The colour of your plant is very pleasing
  12. M

    Is Exotic Plant Company still in business?

    Thank you all for your support and continued orders