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  1. M

    How hardy is Cypripedium fargesii?

    Hello all, First please excuse me for my long silence. Thank you likespaphs, Hakone and Dido for your answers, I understand. @Hakone: initially, it would be in a pot in my garden, but the pot could be stored in a place where the lower temperatures would be aroud -4°C. @Dido: may I know...
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    How hardy is Cypripedium fargesii?

    Hello Dido, Thank you for your answer. I have two more questions: - I don't understand when you say "Breaded ones are harder, but really rare." What is the meaning of "Breaded"? Automatic translation doesn't help at all... - What is the problem with C. fargesii originating from China...
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    How hardy is Cypripedium fargesii?

    Hello all, Thank you for your answer. Yes cnycharles, I have seen those comments on eBay, but some other vendors say that it is just half cold hardy (0C at least), so I wanted to know where the truth is. In fact, to stay alive in my garden, it must be able to endure -8C. is it able to...
  4. M

    How hardy is Cypripedium fargesii?

    Hello all, What is the minimum temperature that Cypripedium fargesii can stand during its rest period in winter? In advance, thank you for your answer. Regards, Mafate.
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    Cypripedium shanxiense culture

    Ok, thank you Dido. All the best.
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    Cypripedium shanxiense culture

    Hello all, Firstly, I wish you all a very happy new year!!! :clap::clap: Can anyone give me some information about Cypripedium shanxiense culture? Is it easy to grow? (I mean for a Cyp of course! ;)) Does it need acidic soil or not? Is it fully hardy? Is it rain resistant during winter or...
  7. M

    Is Cypripedium bardolphianum rain resistant during winter?

    Hi Dido, Sorry, but I have no picture, but the root system of my plant was not very strong even if its bud was very nice. However, I ordered a C. japonicum from the same seller and its root system was very white and strong. Regards, Mafate
  8. M

    Cyp. kentuckiense alba

    Hello David, Can you please specify the pseudo of this German guy who offer fake alba forms of paphs/phrags/cyps on eBay? I have never heard about him. Thank you in advance and best regards.
  9. M

    Is Cypripedium bardolphianum rain resistant during winter?

    Hello Dido, Thank you very much for your help! ;) I found this plant on eBay. Regards, Mafate.
  10. M

    Is Cypripedium bardolphianum rain resistant during winter?

    Hello all, Everything is in the title! ;) I would like to know if Cypripedium bardolphianum can stand rain all the winter long or if it must be protected from rain like tibeticum for example. In advance, thank you for your help. Best regatds.
  11. M

    Cypripedium formosanum

    Hello all, Thank you very much you two for your answers. Tom, I have just sent an email to Ron Burch. I wish I could receive a quick answer because the seed-pods are already about 6 weeks old now, so... One more question: do you know if C. formosanum is self-fertile? If not, my seeds...
  12. M

    Cypripedium formosanum

    Hi all, Here is my Cypripedium formosanum, certainly the easiest one to grow. It flowered last April (5 growths with 4 flowers) and I have now 3 seed pods growing and growing. About that, I asked a question some days ago on this site (here...
  13. M

    Sowing Cypripedium formosanum seeds

    Hi valenzino, thank you for your answer. I look forward to hearing from experienced sowers as soon as possible, because I will have to buy all the necessary material to proceed (flasks, media, etc.) and I can see the fruits becoming bigger and bigger everyday, so I don't know if I have lots...
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    Sowing Cypripedium formosanum seeds

    Hello all, My Cypripedium formosanum is preparing seed-pods for the first time and I would like to sow the seeds. I have never done this before, so I need your help and have some questions: - How long before the seed-pods are mature? - What material do I need to sow the seeds? -...
  15. M

    Cypripedium tibeticum

    Hello all, Thank you very much for your nice comments! ;) @biothanasis: I keep them in a shaded place and water them often, but France is for sure less hot than Greece! Merci Jean ! ;) Regards.
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    yellow natives plus+

    Thanks for sharing cnycharles, very interesting shots!
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    Cypripedium tibeticum

    Thank you biothanasis. Yes, it is a somewhat dark one. I live in France.
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    Cypripedium tibeticum

    Hi all, I am very pleased to show you this little beauty. It has produced 7 growths this year, with 5 flowers. The last one is still a green bud buried in the middle of its leaves while the oldest one is widely opened as you can see. Finally, this will give me a longer flowering period...
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    New member

    Hi all, I am Mafate from France. I have grown "classical" botanical orchids (Dendrobium, Neofinettia, Rhynchostylis, etc.) for years now but I am still in a learning period with Cypripedium species that I love! However, things are getting better and better while the years pass, fortunately...