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  1. M

    Paphiopedilum thaianum

    Hi Rudolf, thank you. There are two plants in this pot, but the three flowers come from the same plant, and the third that you don't see from the front has the same anomaly. I've had this plant for years and this is the first time I've noticed this...
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    Culture of Paph lowii and Paph roebelenii

    Hi all, is there something important or special to know to succeed in cultivating Paph lowii and Paph roebelenii? I mostly grow Paph from subgenus Brachypetalum and I have no experience with the multifloral ones. Thank you for your help.
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    Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue'

    I could finally make the flowers open again today, so here they are. Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue' : Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue' : Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue' (left) and Thelymitra megcalyptra :
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    Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue'

    I agree with you Rudolf: difficult to find any difference with T. graminea.
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    Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue'

    Thank you Leslie. It is its first bloom so I don't know how long the flowers last. However, if I refer to my T. megcalyptra, they could last 10 days or so. There are 4 flowers on the spike. When I took the picture, the 2 lowest were fully opened, the one just above was opening, and the top one...
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    Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue'

    Here is my Thelymitra glaucophylla 'Royal Blue' flowering or the first time. Unfortunately, the flower closed before I could take a second photo.
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    Paphiopedilum thaianum

    Hi, Paphiopedilum thaianum flowering at the moment, 2 plants are in this pot.
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    How many mS/cm when fertilizing Dracula species?

    Many thanks Ray, I will try to find this curve. Regards.
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    How many mS/cm when fertilizing Dracula species?

    Hi all, I recently acquired 2 Dracula species: Dracula chiroptera and Dracula vampira. Moreover, I have been using for several years a Plantprod brand 20/20/20 fertilizer for my Paphiopedilum with success. I was wondering if this fertilizer would be ok for my Dracula and if yes how many...
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    Thelymitra rubra

    Hi all, here is one of my Thelymitra flowering at the moment. I am very angry with myself because I dropped the plant on the ground while trying to photograph it (you can see that the base of the dorsal sepal is marked). There were 3 plants in the pot, and I broke the leaf off one of them...
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    Thelymitra graminea

    Thanks Rudolf for your kind comment, and I agree with you, for sure they are beauties! 👍
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    Thelymitra graminea

    Thelymytra species are summer dormant and rest as tubers during this period. At this time, you must keep them completely dry. New leaves will emerge in late summer, then you can water regularly and fertilize once a month with low EC level (around 0.3 mS/cm) like for Disa species. Culture in full...
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    Thelymitra graminea

    Here is my Thelymitra graminea (Australia) flowering for the first time. It is sweetly scented.
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    Drosera menziesii

    Thanks Leslie. No, cool grower, during winter. Tuberous Drosera species have rest period during summers. They will dry out and totally disappear in some weeks and their tubers will wait for new cool temperatures next autumn to grow again. However, no frost to keep them alive, or very little...
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    Drosera menziesii

    Not an orchid at all, but nice short lived flowers (few hours) of a tuberous Drosera from Western Australia: Drosera menziesii. Hope you like it.
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    Amorphophallus konjac

    Hello Rudolf, thank you for your kind proposal. However, if this species doesn't like frost and can't be grown all year round in the garden, I won't give it a try to save place in my greenhouse. That said, it is a beautiful plant. Have a nice evening. Sylvain
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    Thelymitra 'Cinderella'

    I still don’t know, this is its first flowering and there is only one tuber.
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    Thelymitra 'Cinderella'

    I agree with you Rudolf. Generally, I'm not really into hybrids, but this one is really pretty. It may be said that Thelymitra variegata, one of its parents, is one of the most beautiful Thelymitra, but unfortunately apparently impossible to find in Europe...
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    Amorphophallus konjac

    Impressive Rudolf! I was said that it could be grown in the garden, at least in my area in France, without protection. I think I will give this nice species a try one of these days. How high are the leaves and how big the tubers?
  20. M

    Thelymitra 'Cinderella'

    Hi all, here is a nice hybrid, Thelymitra 'Cinderella' (T. rubra x T. variegata) flowering for the first time. I promise that the colors are true! ;)