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  1. M

    Paphiopedilum sukhakulii

    Hi, clone #1 flowering at the moment. Have a nice day.
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    Paphiopedilum vietnamense

    Can you please tell me how long the flowers last with this species?
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    Paphiopedilum purpuratum

    HI all, A classical one, in bloom at the moment.
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    Is Exotic Plant Company still in business?

    Hi, I talked with Michael yesterday on Messenger, so yes, they are still in business ;-)
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    Paphiopedilum sukhakulii

    Hi all, I was a lucky man yesterday evening as I found in a garden center close to my house this flowering Paphiopedilum sukhakulii for less than 20 € ! ☺️ I couldn't resist of course. 😉 There are 2 new offsets growing. Wingspan is 11 cm (4.3 inches). All cultivation tips are welcome! 🙂...
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    Paphiopedilum armeniacum and X micranthum

    Can’t wait to see the result of this good long job. How excited you must be! 😊
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    Hi Jens, thank you for your kind message. You are right, I have to be very carfeul about high temperatures behind my South facing window. Even today, when it's only the beginning of January, the temperature was higher than I would have liked because we had a sunny day. I'll have to watch the...
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    Wow Ray, your venustum with this red color is really amazing! I wish mine could be that nice! 🙂 Thank you for the range of temperatures, this shows me that I can keep my plant in my cold greenhouse for a big part of the year. Sincerely, Sylvain
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    Hi BrucherT, Thank you very much for this long, interesting and useful answer. 👍 I have finally acquired one P. venustum and one young P. fairrieanum from a seller on eBay that I know to be serious (orchideenhausasien). I put the plants at the moment in front of a south-facing window (not a...
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    Thank you for your interesting suggestion Justin! And sorry or my late reply, I didn't notice it before.
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    HI all, it's a pleasure to ask here as there are so many people with long experience and the willingness to share it! :) So thank you all, sure I will try venustum and fairrieanum because they are of a manageable size and so desirable species, lowii maybe later if I can find a good place for...
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    Hi Happypaphy7, thank you for your so well documented answer. :) I am very tempted by P. lowii which I find magnificent but unfortunately its size could be problematic if its leaves can reach one meter long! 😮 I once successfully grew P. armeniacum for several years in the past with the same...
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    Is it possible to successfully cultivate P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house?

    Hi all, I would like to know if it seems conceivable to you to try the culture of P. fairrieanum, P. lowii and P. venustum in a house. If I am right, P. fairrieanum and P. venustum prefer cool conditions, but would they accept temperatures around 20°C (68°F) during winter and remain healthy...
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    Paph In-Charm Topaz (Lisa x Davelle)

    Hi Guldal, this is a very nice one, thanks fo showing. Is it a special clone to be that dark?
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    Paphiopedilum bellatulum with buds: what should I do now so that the flower buds do not abort?

    Hi Rudolf, ok no problem, I will make a try at the next repotting. Thank you very much for your help. 🙂 Regards.
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    Paphiopedilum bellatulum with buds: what should I do now so that the flower buds do not abort?

    Thank you GuRu for the link. Could you please specify the proportions you use for each element of your mix: Expanded clay balls 4-8 mm Expanded clay balls 8-16 mm Cracked clay balls Seramis Cut styrofoam stripes Do you think that another ingredient could replace styrofoam stripes? I would...
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    Paphiopedilum bellatulum with buds: what should I do now so that the flower buds do not abort?

    Hi GuRu, thank you for the link, and interesting to see how these plants can correctly grow different way! What is your inorganic potting mix composition? Is it made of quartz sand for instance? I am curious to know. :) Regards.
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    Paphiopedilum bellatulum with buds: what should I do now so that the flower buds do not abort?

    Wow, nice healthy collection big923cattleya, thanks for sharing. :)
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    Paphiopedilum bellatulum with buds: what should I do now so that the flower buds do not abort?

    Hi GuRu, thank you for your message. I guess you meant that I did NOTHING wrong instead of ANYTHING, did you? And do you advise me to remove the glass jar to prevent possible rot? I placed it because I was wondering if the ambient humidity was not too low... Sincerely.
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    Paphiopedilum bellatulum with buds: what should I do now so that the flower buds do not abort?

    Thank you also Bob, your answer is a confirmation that I should try to water it more often. 🙂