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  1. gego

    Bud Watch

    I'm only talking about this specific bred. The rest of my plants were ok. If you are pushing for growth it will only take one deficient nutrient to take the plant back and the rest could be unused salt and thus may burn or show toxicity. If nitrogen is low then the rest can be low and your light...
  2. gego

    Bud Watch

    I will be gone for 1.5 months. My wife will water them with a pre mixed solution. The room has a good humidity. I will stake it before I leave and just ask for pics.
  3. gego

    Bud Watch

    I'm leaving in 12 days, I won't see this open😪
  4. gego

    Bud Watch

    After four days. The stem is over 1/4" diameter. At least 3 buds.
  5. gego

    Paphiopedilum fowliei album Triplets

    Thanks. The bud is so small. We'll see.
  6. gego

    New Buds in the Block Party

    Thanks. Will you share to me where you got this in Thailand, I plan to be there sometime in Nov. I will grow them in the Phils.
  7. gego


    Excellent growing. 👏👏👏 and such a beauty.
  8. gego

    New Buds in the Block Party

    That is fantastic. Did you get this from Sam? I'm tempted but then I don't have a space.
  9. gego

    Paphiopedilum fowliei album Triplets

    How big or wide is the plant? I got one from Paph Paradise and looks like it is about to spike up but the plant is so small like 2.5 " LS. Could be a runt I got. I have been collecting Phil species and was planning to take this back. But I may have to wait for a better plant.
  10. gego

    Paph. Moquetteanum x Anitum

    I still have one of this. Good growing. The flower will be wide and big hopefully.
  11. gego

    Two Paph rothschildianums

    Good growing Jim. I'm excited.
  12. gego

    Bud Watch

    Yeah this breeding turns out to grow really fast. The deficiency was so hard to read, but looked like the classic issue with one nutrient deficient, showing a deficient of another. Some got really stunted but some keep growing. My normal 100 ppm N was not enough using 311 ratio. And was very...
  13. gego

    Bud Watch

    Simple happiness in life, when I saw the first plant to bloom from the Paph. Julius (lowii 'Big Hug' x roth 'KingKong') flask from Sam. Planted them separately from compot last 1/21/18. I posted tgem that time as they were really fast growers. I few months after, all of them were showing...
  14. gego

    Paph. haynaldianum var. laurae?

    I heard and saw a picture of a Mindoro type of this species. This one looks really like it, especially that almost pointed petals. If it is, that's very special. I have started tracking this type in that island. It might not be there anymore. Good to know where you bought this.
  15. gego

    Paph Shin-Yi Pride 'Ace of Spades' AM

    Very nice one. Congrats Rick.
  16. gego

    Can't seem to get these to bloom. Ideas??

    I would not surrender right away. Your plants are super healthy and looks like they are conducive to growth. My take is to remove the heat mat on all and if you are not doing it now, add some extra calcium. For light, additional lower kelvin might help too.
  17. gego

    Fertilizer for multi floral paphs

    Supplement with Cal Mag..tap might not have enough and could be locked in carbonate form. Interval application. Some use this scheme.
  18. gego

    Culture Notes from Brandon Tam's visit to Desert Valley Orchid Society

    For such a big and expensive collection not monitoring the water quality is quite risky.
  19. gego

    Culture Notes from Brandon Tam's visit to Desert Valley Orchid Society

    Thank for posting this. Another very interesting and full of information post. This should be saved for ever so the next generation of growers will have more references to read and study. I would like to make a comment about the calculation of N concentration. I don't know if it's just typo...
  20. gego

    roth x (James Bacon× Tokyo Black Night)

    That's so beautiful. Coming from the same parents, right? Love it, completely a different combination.