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  1. Jason Fischer

    kovachii x besseae

    I said it peaks between 10 and 11 cm. But it has actually never reached 11 cm to my knowledge. It's 9.7 today, and still has potential to expand (usually it takes 7 to 10 days for this to peak, so it could still grow this time). I've also noticed on years that it is longer across, it can have...
  2. Jason Fischer

    The King of besseae. 'Rob's Choice'

    Nope, it won't go in for judging. The only way I will have it judged is if there's a local show here in MN. It's just too valueable a plant to travel with. Plus Cathy is a smoker and there's NO WAY I'm letting that besseae go into a smokey car. Eric. Actually, the more I look at this...
  3. Jason Fischer

    kovachii x besseae

    Thanks for the post Garland! The one thing I'd like to see is the actual parents used for breeding. We know what kovachii looks like, but I would like to see the quality of besseae used as that will have a major factor on the offspring.
  4. Jason Fischer

    The King of besseae. 'Rob's Choice'

    For the first time in 14 years (of trying), we have selfings of 'Rob's Choice'. The first few should bloom in 2007. We are going to flower them first to determine the quality and pricing. Quite exciting!
  5. Jason Fischer

    Paph names

    For a quick FYI, the RHS now recognizes moquettianum as a seperate species, therefore any hybrid made with moquettianum can be registered now. We have already done this with moquettianum x liemianum (Paph. Amarantine). This also means moquettianum x delenatii can have a new registration name.
  6. Jason Fischer

    The King of besseae. 'Rob's Choice'

    This is, by far, the best besseae flower I have ever seen. It is a 4N, and is a natural tetraploid from the ozone sib cross ('Ozone' x 'Eat My Dust') which was made in the early 90's. It is not easy to breed with, but in almost every case when it does breed, the offspring yield flowers of...
  7. Jason Fischer


    John, Some other cool bean leaves are: Seikai (as you know) Jyukai Unkai These three are expensive. Some not-as-expensive types that I like are: Kuro Shinjyu (black pearl, very small with a 1" leaf span being mature size) Ao Shinjyu (blue pearl) Beni Shinjyu (red pearl) Isechabo Ootakamaru...
  8. Jason Fischer


    lothianjavert, Just to let you know, the Orchid Digest was kind enough to publish a 10 page article that I wrote about neofinetia falcata (as you were asking about sources in English). There haven't been many articles written on neofinetia, which is why I was so excited to do so. I'm...
  9. Jason Fischer

    sendenii var.Rosum 'Bern Crest'

    Come on over to Minnesota, where we have had 24 inches + of snow in the past WEEK! Phew, 2 hours of shoveling this morning, I'm wiped out!
  10. Jason Fischer

    Phrag. Ryoko Urabe 'Peach Princess'

    Heh, funny you ask. We've got a kid on the way, so I've been trying to make that hybrid as it would only make sense! So far no luck, Phrag. Jason Fischer is a reluctant breeder as it is, and Asuko Fischer (the plant) hasn't taken to any hybrids yet either! If they are sterile, I'm going to...
  11. Jason Fischer

    Phrag. Ryoko Urabe 'Peach Princess'

    This is Phrag. Ryoko Urabe (Barbara LeAnn x fischeri) 'Pink Princess' (not peach like in the title, oops). Many have come out dark, but I really liked the pastel pink that came out of this one.
  12. Jason Fischer

    a guessing game

    I think it will look awesome, nuff said ;)
  13. Jason Fischer

    Peruflora Pk flask fiasco

    Correction I need to make a correction. In an earlier post I stated that Glen Decker from Piping Rock Orchids brought flasks of kovachii and kovachii hybrids into the U.S. in March of 06. That is incorrect. They were brought in the month of Dec. 05 so it is quite possible to have hybrid plants...
  14. Jason Fischer

    Peruflora Pk flask fiasco

    Hey guys, Just for the record, I'm not the one who made all of these posts! It was my father, Jerry! He's just using my ID. In any case, he's done posting to what seems like a never-ending-story. Best wishes, Jason
  15. Jason Fischer

    Baptistonia echinata

    Hey Lien, gettin' good with those camera skills I see!
  16. Jason Fischer

    Peruflora Pk flask fiasco

    kovachii and reality I know I said I wouldn't reply any more regarding these flasks but things are now getting out of hand with this kind of speculation. Peter, The words defamation and Libel come to mind. The definition of Libel: " A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or...
  17. Jason Fischer

    Paph Ho Chi Minh

    Hey Bob, nice Ho Chi Minh! My experience with them is that they will take two weeks to finally present themselves well, then start to blemish after one week of being open. Hopefully the hybrids made with Ho Chi Minh will lose that trait. I have it crossed with micranthum right now, and...
  18. Jason Fischer

    Neofinetia pots for sale

    Hey guys, I'm starting to sell Neofinetia falcata clay pots on the side (as an individual and outside my business). I can take paypal, money orders, or I can use my company merchant account for Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. I'm currently working on a little website for...
  19. Jason Fischer

    Phrag. kovachii test results

    Any mis-labeled flask that we received are going to be replaced. Since our pre-orders never got shipped out, we can ship the plants that should be kovachii. I posted earlier about not having mature kovachii DNA testing done and must apologize for the mistake. The DNA testing WAS done on true...
  20. Jason Fischer

    Phrag. kovachii test results

    Up-date on Phrag. kovachii testing and various posts (posted by Jerry Fischer) This will be the last and only time I will reply or post on the various forums regarding the Phrag. kovachii problems with one particular sib cross of kovachii. Chuck Acker and I did buy some flasks of Phrag...