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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Jason Fischer

    Letter from Chuck Acker

    kovachii problems I went down to Peru with Chuck but I purchased several different kovachii sibs and hybrids. One particular kovachii sib cross appears to be different in leaf habit so Chuck and I are now doing DNA sequencing on the one in question plus some other kovachii sibs as well. This...
  2. Jason Fischer

    What is so good about being round

    Paph. Irish Moss (Jolly Green Gem x fairrieanum) is a great example of a cross that has been awarded (2 or 3 times I believe) because it looks like a huge fairrieanum! Very attractive :)... What do you think?
  3. Jason Fischer

    Paph. sanderanium question

    sanderianum? Hard to grow? Nah, piece of cake, this thing is a weed. :p
  4. Jason Fischer

    What is so good about being round

    I believe that when you look at and AOS judge a complex paph, you are judging the traditional goals set by breeder’s way back; which is a flat, round and symmetrical flower. Only a select few get awarded because it is not easy to attain this goal. Most of them come out un-proportional, or with...
  5. Jason Fischer

    Phrag. besseae 'Who Knows Why' AM/AOS

    Very impressive. I can't wait to see the next gen of besseae hybrids using the 'Colossal' strain besseae.
  6. Jason Fischer


    I don't think I've ever seen that much transparent barring in the pouch before! Very nice. For those of you who may not know, there is a very interesting story behind the transparent pouch. The fly that falls in the pouch is guided to the top behind the staminodial sheild because it sees...
  7. Jason Fischer

    Phrag besseae 'Sunfire' x 'Orange Circle'

    Congrats Heather! Is it super bright red? I know the true color is very hard to capture on camera when it comes to red and orange. I've never sent our own besseae out for judging, mostly because there's never a show when I've got a bunch in bloom.
  8. Jason Fischer


    Roughly $538 US. If it is documentation of things you have pictured and posted for your entire life, I can understand the price of the book. I'm also assuming others contributed to creating the book, and they need their share as well. I've never seen this book, but by looking at the online...
  9. Jason Fischer

    Paph. venustum 'Lakehead' AM/AOS

    No help, they just all opened up toward the sun. We did stake them up so they stood perfectly straight, though. This is our only orchid show we have every year!
  10. Jason Fischer

    Paph. venustum 'Lakehead' AM/AOS

    MINE :evil:
  11. Jason Fischer

    Paph. venustum 'Lakehead' AM/AOS

    Here's a closer shot of the venustum we got an AM on. Ross is being modest, but the Estella with an AM is his plant!
  12. Jason Fischer

    I detest winter.

    Oh man, sorry to hear about that! Another local nursery here had this problem years ago and lost an entire greenhouse full of orchids to freezing. Santa Barbara had the lowest temps since 20 years ago, reaching down to 23 degrees along parts of the coast! There are many L. anceps growers...
  13. Jason Fischer

    Paph. delenatii album

    What I find amazing about this blooming is that there are 3 flowers. Has anybody seen delenatii do this before? For me it is a first.
  14. Jason Fischer

    The Greatest Gaming System of ALL TIME

    My first game system was a Bally Basic... you could buy games for it, and you could actually program games in basic language and I remember it would take 2 to 3 hours to program a game, then as soon as you turn the power off.. poof.. it's gone, no memory cards back in those days! I must have...
  15. Jason Fischer

    Phrag besseae 'Sunfire' x 'Orange Circle'

    Hey lookin good Heather! We've got a bunch coming into bloom for the 2nd time this year and they are much larger than before and have a very strong red. Phrag. besseae is always better the 2nd or 3rd time around, especially when you can bloom it when the nights are cool.
  16. Jason Fischer

    Cats and plants

    I don't think there are any orchids toxic to cats. Mine like to chew on leaves that look like grass, such as cymbidiums. They also tend to chew off paph and phrag spikes, so I can't really display them for too long. Basically things with soft or skinny leaves are potential victims to cats...
  17. Jason Fischer

    15 miles from Las Vegas

    So Nobu is that good huh? I'll have to try it next time as the society already invited me for another lecture in 2008 :). What did you have Heather? A little bit of everything I suppose at that price!
  18. Jason Fischer

    15 miles from Las Vegas

    Hey guys, Well I just got back from Vegas where I did a lecture on phrags to their local orchid society (great bunch of people!), and I discovered something much more fun and interesting than the main strip! I drive 15 minutes west and you've reached the Red Rock Canyon, a geological...
  19. Jason Fischer

    A couple Fanaticums

    Heh, well it does look like emersonii but it's Orion's Belt (emersonii x Muriel Constance). The emersonii is very dominant in this cross. I do have a couple emersonii budding up, so you'll see those in a month or so. I have good news, we have many seedlings that came out of flask a few months...
  20. Jason Fischer

    A couple Fanaticums

    Thanks Tony, I was going off a 2006 spring version of wildcat. By roth huh? Anybody ever see that?