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  1. gotsomerice

    Is this worth driving two hours for AOS judging?

    It's Cattleya intermedia var. coerulea. It has about 25 flowers. Natural spread of 7.5 cm. I am thinking of driving 100 miles to have it judged. Do you think it's worth an award? I don't want to waste two hours driving for this. What's your opinion? Please help.
  2. gotsomerice

    Neofinetia Fujimusune

    I third that. I have this plant too. It doesn't even flower the same time as the other Neo.
  3. gotsomerice

    Is anyone going to Redlands?

    I've heard so much good things about this show. Can anybody post pictures of previous shows?
  4. gotsomerice

    Paphiopedilum micranthum x gardineri

    It can also be worse next time!:poke:
  5. gotsomerice

    Paphiopedilum fairrieanum

    Super Nice down-curve petals! Rarely seen one in the US with down-curve like this. Usually the ones in the US are reflected back more.
  6. gotsomerice

    hynaldianum album

    Can you please post a picture of the plant? I love to see what "grows like week" looks like. Thanks.
  7. gotsomerice

    hynaldianum album

    I love your Alice Barrios better. Which award did you get for that?
  8. gotsomerice

    Paph. armeniacum in buds!

    Not sure if Kanuma is pumice, mine are growing in 90% pumice.
  9. gotsomerice

    Paph. armeniacum in buds!

    Yes, there is a little runner growing out of the hole. I guess this explain why lots of people grow them in baskets.
  10. gotsomerice

    Paph. armeniacum in buds!

    Yes mostly pumice and 10% small size coconut husk chunks (for organic material) in clay pot with holes. Previously I had them in fine mix in plastic pot, and usually that will kill all the roots.
  11. gotsomerice

    Paph. armeniacum in buds!

    First bloom! Can't wait!
  12. gotsomerice

    Paph. vejarutianum

    According to Harold Koopowitz. This is now it own specie.
  13. gotsomerice

    Is this Ho Chi Minh good enough to keep?

    I failed to measure the size. :confused: This was in bloom in October. The cross is: delenatii '0202i' x vietnamense '1815A'. I got this from Orchidaceae in 2010. It finally bloomed for me.
  14. gotsomerice

    Is this Ho Chi Minh good enough to keep?

    I am trying to organize my bench space. Is this Paph. Ho Chi Minh good enough to keep? The color is not as vivid as others I've seen on here. What do you think?
  15. gotsomerice

    should I keep any of these?

    Give them as gifts. Just in time for the holidays! I see lots of spikings in the background! :O
  16. gotsomerice

    Species Versus Hybrids?

    Space is also my factor. I only have limited space so I do not wasted it for mass-produce Phals. Only species can stay on my growing benches! Lol
  17. gotsomerice

    Species Versus Hybrids?

    Just that I prefer nature made than man made. There is something "raw" and "primal" about species.
  18. gotsomerice

    Moving plants across international borders?

    Imagine of all the Mexican Native orchids you can grow! I would die just to get a hold of Laelia speciosa!
  19. gotsomerice

    Species Versus Hybrids?

    95% species for me.
  20. gotsomerice

    Rhynchosophrocattleya Tab Tim Sayam 'Kultana'

    Tumtim Siam = Siam's Ruby or Ruby of Siam. Kultana is a famous nursery in Thailand.