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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Yoyo_Jo

    Tree Peonies in Winter

    I planted a Tree Peony in 2007, and didn't expect it to bloom for me for years. Lo and behold in 2009, it did in fact bloom! It hasn't bloomed since, chiefly because I have a hard time keeping the buds from freezing during our cold springs. I cover the plant up with peat moss (and this year a...
  2. Yoyo_Jo

    Rlc. Hawaiian Passion 'Kermie'

    That's a keeper. Love the shades.
  3. Yoyo_Jo

    Tolumnia Red Barry

    Beautiful color!
  4. Yoyo_Jo

    Cattleya loddigesii v. Impassionata

    Very sweet; love that lip.
  5. Yoyo_Jo

    A couple of fairrieaum

    Awesome blooms, Chuck! Love the Franken-fairries too. :clap:
  6. Yoyo_Jo

    Blc. Golden Tang

    Fabulous! Wish it was mine. :o
  7. Yoyo_Jo

    Happy Birthday Nik !!!!

    Happy Birthday Nik!
  8. Yoyo_Jo

    Some Chicks and a Decent Woody

    Okay, have mercy Clark, which ones don't we have right? I love #8 the best; what a face! :rollhappy: Your photos are frigging awesome.
  9. Yoyo_Jo

    Some Chicks and a Decent Woody

    1. Ardea alba 2. Mycteria americana 3. Gallinula chloropus
  10. Yoyo_Jo

    should I keep any of these?

    I've never let lack of space hold me back...there's always room for one, or three, more...:D
  11. Yoyo_Jo

    Need readers for my new french novel

    Zut! Je ne parle pas français! :sob:
  12. Yoyo_Jo

    Phrag. Les Dirouilles

    Nice save, that's really pretty. :clap:
  13. Yoyo_Jo

    Paphiopedilum Weather Vane

    I like that. I remember seeing this cross at Paramount, but never saw it bloom...
  14. Yoyo_Jo

    Nursery in the Philippines

    Umm, Eggshells, you did already post this, but in Chuck's recent thread "A couple of very floriferous plants". :D :rollhappy:
  15. Yoyo_Jo

    A couple of very floriferous plants...

    Ditto! Way cool, Chuck!
  16. Yoyo_Jo

    Visit @ Orchideen Lucke

    Nice! Especially enjoyed your photos of the Draculas; very cool. :clap:
  17. Yoyo_Jo

    Cattleya percivaliana 'Jewel'

    Blooming much closer to Christmas this year... :D More flowers too...
  18. Yoyo_Jo

    Problem with ST?

    Looks like we're rocking again. I didn't have any trouble getting in at all. Missed you all though. :D
  19. Yoyo_Jo

    Problem with ST?

    I emailed her today, but haven't heard back, I assume she's probably hopping... Very odd that some of us can get in here with no problem and some can't...
  20. Yoyo_Jo

    Problem with ST?

    Where is everybody???? There's only a couple of us online and it looks like there's hardly been anyone here in the last 24 hours...? <cricket noises> Weird...