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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Jon in SW Ohio

    Take a guess

    Shunkyuden Jon
  2. Jon in SW Ohio

    why aren't there african slippers?

    So I guess you guys haven't heard about the genus Afripedium... Jon
  3. Jon in SW Ohio

    For those who love miniatures

    Did you cross it with a bean leaf Neo?? Jon
  4. Jon in SW Ohio

    Tips and Words of Wisdom for Newbies

    ASK QUESTIONS!!!! There are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots...(kidding of course ;)) Ask as many people as many questions as you can think of. If you grow orchids you probably love talking about orchids. I've yet to meet a grower who wasn't completely thrilled to answer...
  5. Jon in SW Ohio

    does anyone recognize any of these

    Here's Druid Spring: Jon
  6. Jon in SW Ohio

    More photos from Garden in the Woods

    The last one you posted. I think the common name is catchfly. Jon
  7. Jon in SW Ohio

    More photos from Garden in the Woods

    Great Pics!! Love the Solomon's Seal, I have the same cultivar ;) Especially love the Silene! Jon
  8. Jon in SW Ohio

    Watching and learning!

    This link explains it a little better: Sadly, I watched the spelling bee too. I was quite disappointed that few of the words were english. Jon
  9. Jon in SW Ohio

    Bulbo wendlandianum

    You sure that's wendlandianum?? Jon
  10. Jon in SW Ohio


    Neos are quite nice But they are not without angst I say try coral
  11. Jon in SW Ohio

    Emma Fischer

    How did I miss this thread?? CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Jon
  12. Jon in SW Ohio

    Group Shot

    No need to apologize for a flood of pics ;) Great shots!! Jon
  13. Jon in SW Ohio

    ID please ?

    Looks like roebellenii to me. Jon
  14. Jon in SW Ohio

    12 things you should never say to your boss

    I can assure the things I say to my boss are much worse, though he does have the same sense of humor I have... In my defense, his daughter is pretty hot :evil: Jon
  15. Jon in SW Ohio

    Encyclia replicata GNYOS

    Mine just bloomed as well. I got mine when a friend went down to Ecuador and brought back a couple pieces of one thinking it was Encyclia cordigera. It is a very easy grower, and there are a dozen related species that look nearly identical so don't restrict your search to just replicata. Jon
  16. Jon in SW Ohio

    A rant about show venders

    I get this every time I go to a show with vendors I don't know...or that don't know me I should say :evil: I've found the easiest way to avoid this is to say something to them right off the bat that only another orchid person could possibly understand. Apparently I look nothing like an orchid...
  17. Jon in SW Ohio

    Funny leaf or sheath? YOU DECIDE!

    Looks like it'll develop into a sheath to me. Jon
  18. Jon in SW Ohio

    Mendonsella grandiflora

    One of my favorites, and one of the last ones to inspire me to draw. I really need to draw again, it's been way too long. Jon
  19. Jon in SW Ohio

    Victoria-regina or chamberlainianum??

    It's a nice way of saying the plant was discovered, described, and not seen since. A couple orchids still go by names that were given to other plants that have not been seen since publishing. It's like calling a Paph. rothschildianum a Paph. elliotianum...some taxonomists have decided they are...
  20. Jon in SW Ohio

    Victoria-regina or chamberlainianum??

    To add to the confusion, I've read that victoria-reginae is like glanduliferum in that both are out of cultivation and those in cultivation do not match the original description so they would be chamberlainianum and praestans. I have not checked the original description for victoria-reginae, so...