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  1. Jon in SW Ohio

    10g Freshwater Iwagumi Tank

    Update time: In an effort to get the HC to grow and carpet the tank a bit faster, I drained the tank and moved the fish/shrimp to my overflow guppy tank. It is growing much faster, and I'm guessing in a month or two it will be ready to be filled back up. I also removed the Anubias for the time...
  2. Jon in SW Ohio

    Mosah, my new Savannah Cat

    Finally broke out the good camera ;)
  3. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph NoID. Any ideas?

    praestans x roebellenii would be my guess
  4. Jon in SW Ohio

    As requested...redux!

    I think this thread should be a sticky Heather :poke: I agree, it's great to see the faces behind the screen names, and it makes it handy when you finally meet someone here in person at a show or what not. There only seems to be pictures of me when I'm having some beers though...oh well...
  5. Jon in SW Ohio

    As requested...redux!

    Eric, shouldn't that be a besseae on the name badge :poke: Here's the most recent pic I have of myself from Halloween with a couple of my girls I wanted to post a pic I have of Jenna Haze and me...but it's not exactly appropriate...
  6. Jon in SW Ohio

    2 Dendrobiums

    The ternatense is more like what I call musciferum, though ternatense may be valid? My macrophyllum has almost completely round leaves.
  7. Jon in SW Ohio

    Mosah, my new Savannah Cat

    I've seen plenty of Phrags with chew marks on them at local apparently they taste pretty good. I haven't had any problems, but the only plants not behind closed doors to Mosi are a Banana tree and a Bat Plant.
  8. Jon in SW Ohio

    P. lynniae

    That is a REALLY nice one! I've only seen one in person and it didn't look anywhere near that nice.
  9. Jon in SW Ohio

    my reef tank

    Awesome Eric! If I could grow mushrooms like that I would have a Ricordia tank going. For some reason Discos and Ricordias just don't like my tanks :(
  10. Jon in SW Ohio

    Mosah, my new Savannah Cat

    LOL Heather, I call her Mosey. I have no idea how much bigger she'll get, hopefully a little bit at least ;) Her heritage is Serval which are African cats, and Bengal which is a hybrid breed between domestic house cats and Asian Leopard Cats. I finally found her some wild catnip and trimmed...
  11. Jon in SW Ohio

    Mosah, my new Savannah Cat

    The newest member of the family, she is a "rescue" from a friend who's mom was ready to drop her off on a corner after getting her in a recent divorce. She's a Savannah Cat, which is half Serval and half Bengal cat, but she's a 3rd generation so not quite as crazy as some of them can be. She is...
  12. Jon in SW Ohio

    A little help with ID this please !!!

    1 looks like venustum 2 looks like wardii or sukhakulii
  13. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph Guess Who?

    Transvaal would be my guess
  14. Jon in SW Ohio

    10g Freshwater Iwagumi Tank

    Very well grown Anubias!! I can understand not using gravel on a goldfish tank, especially since that tank looks cleaner than anything I've kept!
  15. Jon in SW Ohio

    10g Freshwater Iwagumi Tank

    No, the glowing is from a protein that makes other creatures glow naturally. The irradiation is because there was a big stink about these "Frankenstein Fish" when they were first created and one of the conditions of being able to sell them to the general public was to sterilize them so they...
  16. Jon in SW Ohio

    10g Freshwater Iwagumi Tank

    Here's one of the new shrimp, they all look pretty much the same. Cardinia sp. 'Crystal Red'
  17. Jon in SW Ohio

    10g Freshwater Iwagumi Tank

    We're on the same page ;) I just got my order of CRS (Crystal Reds for everyone else) this morning. Most are the red and white, but I got a couple black and white "normal" ones as freebies. Tomorrow night is the local bar crawl for Halloween so I won't be near a computer to post pics until...
  18. Jon in SW Ohio

    My new pets (Geckos)

    I had a Leopard Gecko and an AFT when I was growing up. DEFINITELY my favorite lizards! They were easily some of the tamest creatures I've ever come across. I wouldn't use mealworms either. I'm not sure what's myth and what's not, but I've heard a lot of horror stories about them eating their...
  19. Jon in SW Ohio

    10g Freshwater Iwagumi Tank

    I'm using Eco Complete for substrate and have no idea what the rocks in the tank are, I just liked the looks of them at the pet store. A former forum member and fish guru seems to think Cardinals will do fine in these conditions, they just probably won't breed without soft water. The main thing...