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  1. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph. Transvaal

    Also got Paph. Prime Child 'Mem. Ethel Cox' AM/AOS in bloom, only one flower open so far, stay tuned for pics in a few days. It also came from the same guy and originally came from Rand's as well. Jon
  2. Jon in SW Ohio

    Does anyone believe that a true Phragmipaphium has been made?

    Sadly, the Mexipedium x Phrag. fischeri ended up being very Phrag dominant as well. I won't be convinced either way until I personally make the cross and raise the it might be a while ;) Jon
  3. Jon in SW Ohio

    For all you Neofinetia nuts...

    Ogonmaru is in bloom again. Wish all the spikes would have bloomed at the same time:mad: It has had over 6 spikes so far, but timed them out so that only 2 were open at a time. Jon
  4. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph. Transvaal

    Got this one looooong ago from a dear friend who got the original plant as a seedling from Rands back in the late 70's. It's definitely not the best one I've seen, but it's full of sentimental value and a faithful bloomer. Jon
  5. Jon in SW Ohio

    Opinion...Sorcerer's Apprentice or not

    Could be a young SA, or one that is made with one of the smaller longifolium varieties like gracile. Very hard to tell when not in flower. Jon
  6. Jon in SW Ohio

    The Stony Nano (image intense)

    Some grow really fast, some really slow, depends on the type and species. Anymore I mostly propagate them to have stuff to trade with so I can get other ones I'm looking for. Jon
  7. Jon in SW Ohio

    The Stony Nano (image intense)

    Here's probably the best pic from the Propagation tank, taken about 2 months ago:
  8. Jon in SW Ohio

    The Stony Nano (image intense)

    My most recent addtions, these are frags from a well known captive breeding place called ORA. They're still acclimating in the sand bed, but I couldn't resist snapping some pics. ORA German Green with Blue Polyps Acro...I've been waiting for over a year to get one of these!! ORA Blue Milli...
  9. Jon in SW Ohio

    The Stony Nano (image intense)

    Now for some coral update pics: Montipora undata June 14, 2007 July 30, 2007 Duncanopsammia auxifuga June 14, 2007 July 30, 2007 One of my favorites, Acropora chesterfieldensis And lastly, one of my newest corals, Acropora robusta Jon
  10. Jon in SW Ohio

    The Stony Nano (image intense)

    UPDATE TIME!! Since it's been roughly ten years since I've posted pics of the tank...or at least feels that way, I thought I'd share some pics of how the tank is now. I currently have two reef tanks running, this one as a display tank, and another tank as a propagation tank that houses all my...
  11. Jon in SW Ohio

    The religious extremists of the Bible Belt

    The funniest solution I've heard yet was from a buddy of mine in the Herpetology society. All his snake "barracks" are in his living room so as soon as you walk in, BAM a wall of snakes stares you in the face. They ring the doorbell, he invites them in, and he then tries to preach to them the...
  12. Jon in SW Ohio

    'diamond in the rough'

    Sounds like Ludisia discolor. I'm not sure there is a wrong way to grow it. I've grown them like cacti, in vases of water, and in terrariums. It's got to be the hardiest orchid known! Unfortunately, few other jewel orchids I've raised have had half the endurance this species has. Jon
  13. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph Gemstone's Randschild

    I've got two clones, both awarded by my dear friend Tom Cox. You can be on the waiting list for one, but they grow so slow I've yet to take the first division off them. Heather, Lien, and Greenpaph are the only 3 currently on the list...I can put you on it but you'll need the patience of a saint...
  14. Jon in SW Ohio

    T5 Fluoro's

    T5s are very common in the reefing hobby, and many recommend them over metal halides. They provide very intense lighting and cover a very wide range of spectrum, most of which would not benefit orchid growers. For the money, I'd go with HID lighting. Jon
  15. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph. tigrinum

    I'll never go back to organic media! I replaced bark with the hydroton, and moss with the growdan. The cubes do get some algae(the ones on top of the pot), but I've never seen a negative impact from it. I water twice a week and only have to repot when things outgrow their pots. Jon
  16. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph. tigrinum

    They are half inch x half inch cubes of rock wool. Jon
  17. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paph. tigrinum

    This is my favorite non-multifloral species...and in the running for favorite of the genus. I got it from Heather a while back and after being in sheath for what seems like years it is finally in bloom. It's growing in my usual mix of half Hydroton and half Growdan GrowCubes in an aircone pot...
  18. Jon in SW Ohio

    Araesima flava (I think?)

    I'd guess Arisaema consanguineum Jon
  19. Jon in SW Ohio


    You can have many many clones of one variety of a plant, some being more aesthetic than others. All the clone means is a unique individual genetically, no matter what variety, form, or subspecies it is. If I self a lawrenceanum v. hyeanum, every plant produced that fits the definition of an...
  20. Jon in SW Ohio

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum

    Been super busy lately, but here's a quick pic of mine currently in bloom with another bud on the way. Look familiar Heather? :poke: I'll get some good pics with the better camera soon. Jon