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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C


    The first one has perfect shape.
  2. C

    Brachypetalum Extravaganza

    A very nice sampling of brachies.
  3. C


    nicely colored flower.
  4. C

    Another niveum

    What a crisp white color.
  5. C

    Moustache hybrid

    The color is great on yours. I have one in bllom right now too. Single growth but I only got three flowers. Trade you. LOL
  6. C

    Paph. Jogjae

    Nice form indeed.
  7. C

    Paph. barbatum and Denzien of the Grow Room

    Okay... That spider looks more than scary. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. C

    (((Cochlopetalum x Coryopedilum) x Parvisepalum) x Paphiopedilum)

    Very different and pretty. This one got my attention. I do like it. A nice blend of species indeed.
  9. C

    Paph Frank Smith

    I like it as well.
  10. C

    haynaldianum comparison

    Both are very nice but the one with the darker colors is that much better to me.
  11. C

    Paphiopedilum phillipinense var. laevigatum

    Very nice for a first blooming.
  12. C


    Pure cuteness.
  13. C


    I love looking at this pic.
  14. C

    paph Shireen

    nice flower indeed.
  15. C


    Wonderfully balanced flower. Great color too.
  16. C

    Paph rothschildianum 'Mt Millais' FCC/RHS FCC/AOS GM/WOC

    Classic breeding line. A wonderful division to own.
  17. C

    Paph.Vanguard x anitum 'Shen-Liu' SM/TPS

    What can you say that hasn't already been said.
  18. C

    Paph. Pale Face

    A cute flower indeed. Looks like both of its parents.
  19. C

    Paph. Mem. Larry Heuer

    The floppiness is characteristic of the cross.
  20. C


    I would take and care for each of them.