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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. merc

    Magic Lantern vini/dunkle

    some pics in natural light. i had to blast the shadows because no matter what time of day it's always dark in the woods.
  2. merc

    Paphiopedilum charlesworthii forma sandowiae

    that is a stunner! 🤩
  3. merc

    Magic Lantern vini/dunkle

    Just opened! 😊 The vini/dunkle make the veins pop and are nice and uniform throughout. SRC: Orchid Inn by way of Tim at SVO
  4. merc

    plant import permits freak me out

    this is so good to hear! definitely encouraging. how long was your turn around time (order to arrival)?
  5. merc

    brachy acclimation

    this has happened to me quite a few times now. new incoming species brachys will grow until they bloom or blast, die back to nearly nothing (only tiny green nubbins protruding from the roots), then come back with a vengeance (new sometimes multiple growths with nice thick succulent leaves)...
  6. merc

    pollinating some paphs!

    very very well made and informative! excellent shots of all the orchid parts too! i've been using the troy meyers lab pollination post as a reference so it's really great to have an actual video to see how it's done. please keep us updated on whether or not these result in seed pods.
  7. merc

    how to tell if phrag is in bud?

    thank you so much for the great examples! the feel of the phrag crown is a lot more rigid and substantial compared to that of a paph. i admittedly give my bloom size paphs a gentle feel for bud formation almost every time i water. it's become part of my weekly watering and inspection ritual...
  8. merc

    Learning more about brachys

    i am no expert but i am no longer losing brachys like i was when i first started collecting. 1. slippertalk has been an amazing resource! there’s something to be said about all the support and encouragement i’ve received. ♥️ 2. my brachys like oyster shells and rocks (permatil). i was using a...
  9. merc

    how to tell if phrag is in bud?

    i have never bloomed a phrag before. do they have the same chunky lump in the middle if you lightly pinch the crown like paphs do? trying to figure out the phrag "tell". much appreciated!
  10. merc

    plant import permits freak me out

    just a few. 5 plants.
  11. merc

    plant import permits freak me out

    united states
  12. merc

    plant import permits freak me out

    also can anyone comment on success rate of divisions vs flask seedlings post import?
  13. merc

    plant import permits freak me out

    i regret everyday not reaching out to hadley to buy divisions when he was still around. i was informed that koopman's would provide the export permit (1-3 months), but that the buyer needed a plant import permit AAAND a protected plant permit. the permit process really freaked me out. especially...
  14. merc

    Hello from Ocean Shores Washington

    welcome to st!
  15. merc


    it would be absolutely fabulous if someone would make a video (or point me to one) with the correct pronunciation of all the different species of paphs out there! i feel like an idiot sometimes trying to sound out and pronounce the name of something when describing paphs i have or plants i want.
  16. merc

    Paph myanmaricum

  17. merc

    my new little monster

    RIP Margic Lantern var album. Ziggy got a hold of it and chewed it up something awful. 😭😭😭
  18. merc

    Paphiopedilum Eency Weency

    my orchids ltd eency ended up a lot less colorful compared to yours. it was almost white and wine after a week or two. i love seeing the variations between plants from the same batch. thank you for posting! here's mine a day or so after it fully opened:
  19. merc

    thanksgiving day present!

    there was a very subtle hint of peach coloration in the pouch.
  20. merc

    thanksgiving day present!

    this amazing stunner is a paph burki (armeni white x emersonii) i picked up from darlene this summer. 😊 fully opened on thanksgiving day.🎁