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  1. Rockbend

    A Trio of Paphs

    Excellent thaianum!! You should get that judged - if that appeals to you, if possible - looks better than several awards I've seen!
  2. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum barbatum var. nigritum (h.v. Pygmy race)

    FWIW - When I use those clips, I put the tips of the claws around the flower stem. If you look at the inside/base of the claws some clips have blocks, and others have a very narrow angle, that might pinch closed and cause problems?
  3. Rockbend

    Phalaenopsis (syn Doritis) pulcherrima var. marmorata

    Springwater has them, the dark magenta purple flowered type..
  4. Rockbend

    Doritis pulcherrilum ?

    FWIW - in my experience Dor./Phal. pulcherrima grows slightly drier than the typical Phal., and slightly brighter - almost 'Cattleya light'. In-situ photographs largely bear this out. YMMV :D
  5. Rockbend

    1st International Vanda and Slipper Orchid Symposium

    Krull Smith Orchids is just a few miles away and has all the Cattleyas you could want!
  6. Rockbend

    Disappointing. Should I be hopeful for the future?

    Did the plant get too dry while attempting to bloom? As mentioned above, the Brachy X multi hybrids are problematic and I agree with blooming it 1-2 times more to see what it does. Too much potential to not try again!
  7. Rockbend

    Magic Lantern

    MorandiWine - how cold is it at night currently at your location? I've always thought Magic Lanterns would have better color in cooler weather - not May/June in the Southeast. Yours is gorgeous!!
  8. Rockbend

    Mealy Bugs!

    Overhead spray to runoff into pots. 22oz/100gal
  9. Rockbend

    Mealy Bugs!

    Lady Bugs and Lacewings disperse rapidly in my experience, never to be seen again. I use Orthene 75WP and/or Talstar.
  10. Rockbend

    Paph bloom stuck in leaves?

    Harold Koopowitz is the worst for me - does that about 25% of the time for me, don't know why. Those plants bloom normally the rest of the time.
  11. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum Vietnamense - First Bloom

    Mine bloom every year, unless they don't bloom in a given year. If I occasionally lose a plant it seems to happen mid-year and not connected to blooming.
  12. Rockbend

    Paph. thaianum first bloom

    IMO - it will get better and better in the next 2 years! :D👍
  13. Rockbend

    Paph. thaianum first bloom

    FWIW - the breeding strain that Thanh/Springwater has for sale has received several awards so far.
  14. Rockbend

    Best way to store pollen?

    Many thanks everybody! I had the pollen in a gel-cap for a day or 2 and it was already starting to desiccate. I moved it to wax paper, put it in a ziplock, and into the butter drawer of the fridge.
  15. Rockbend

    Paph. thaianum first bloom

    I usually smell them mid-morning, 10-11. AFAIK not all of them smell - maybe 40%? - but maybe different plants smell at different times of day.
  16. Rockbend

    Paph. thaianum first bloom

    Is it fragrant?
  17. Rockbend

    Best way to store pollen?

    I've never really trusted storing pollen, probably because it rarely works for me! Now I have some pollen I really want to save for my fall bloomers. A friend stores them in gel-caps at room temperature; another friend says the gel-caps dry out the pollen too much. So: Gel-cap alone, or...
  18. Rockbend

    Yay! Paph. Moquetianum

    Sam's got the goods! I always considered my best moquettianums to be the ones from a Taiwan flask I got years ago - but my BEST one is a seedling I got from Sam!
  19. Rockbend

    How do you know what kind of paph you bought.

    Are there any punctuation marks or multiple lines to the name? Examples: (A x B) x (C x D) A x (B x (C x D)) (A x B) x (C x D) A x ((B x C) x D)
  20. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum hangianum ‘First Class’

    Parvi pollen is a PITA! I refer to Parvi pollen as 'chunks of candle wax' as opposed to the gooey jelly of most other pollen. Things I have done to get the Parvi pollen to stick to a stigma: - Cattleya, Den, or even Phal stigmatic fluid. I understand there might be plant hormones in the fluid...