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  1. Rockbend

    Phalaenopsis lobbii vietnamensis

    I grow 100s of these - great fun plants! Other than coming from Vietnam, what make this vietnamensis? The yellow side lobes of the lip make it look like a Phal. lobbii var. flava.
  2. Rockbend

    Concolor v. Longipetalum inflourescence kiki

    I could remove them but haven't yet. Would have to take a bunch of stem with it and stick it in sphagnum because they haven't formed roots yet.
  3. Rockbend

    Concolor v. Longipetalum inflourescence kiki

    VERY cool - congrats! I've had moquettianum and other Cochlopetalums do this.
  4. Rockbend

    Some buds and blooms

    FWIW - In my experience with thaianum over the past 6 years or so, they put up 2 flowers per stem per growth about 30% of the time. Appears random and not consistent, just a measure of 'happiness' at that time.
  5. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum Hengduan's Purple Tiger

    No doubt - VERY nice!!! :) Actually, I sold one to a Thai grower last May and he got an AM on it the next day... but he hasn't paid for the award yet, despite several reminders (he acknowledges the reminders and then does nothing). Oh well. :rolleyes: And Lori's scored higher and looks...
  6. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum tranlienianum

    I have the same experience: the regular form grows bushy and green, the albas grow super slow and anemic-looking. Fingers crossed for this fall.
  7. Rockbend

    Paph. kolopakingii var. topperi

    FWIW - all US AOS judgings have been canceled until at least May 1 as far as I know. I predict a 'baby orchid boom' in 4-8 months when all the seed pods on our (no shows, no judging) best plants go to the seed-sowing labs... :)
  8. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum vietnamense

    Great flowers! Mine are in bud now. I can never figure out how my friend Sam Tsui manages to bloom vietnamense with a 3" leafspan, mine have to be bigger than that and even then don't always bloom...
  9. Rockbend

    Acmodontum : Beauty and the Beast

    I also have 3 in bud and it's great to see what's possible! I bought a flask years ago and they've all been boring so far... still hoping.
  10. Rockbend

    Safari pesticide question

    FWIW - I don't like to mix chemicals: I fertilize only when I fertilize, I fungicide only when I fungicide, etc. YMMV
  11. Rockbend


    For years I've done the fake 'spring showers': doubling up on water in early spring (whenever that is in your location). Seems to trigger flowering in several species.
  12. Rockbend

    Paph jackii

    Thank you Hien and BrucherT! Always wondered about that.
  13. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum malipoense

    Here in the south US, P. malipoense is 'famous' for putting up spikes in August/September that never open flowers. About 3 months later the buds crash and the spike dies. Maybe 1 out of 10 will open a flower. Usually only the spikes that come up in December actually open their buds
  14. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum leucochilum album

    I stand corrected - I meant green markings in center of staminode, vs. yellow markings. Thanks!
  15. Rockbend

    Paph jackii

    Is there any hard rule to separate P. jackii from P. malipoense?
  16. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum leucochilum album

    Does it have an umbo? I can't tell from the pictures. FWIW - A friend feels that the album forms of leucochilum must have a green umbo and that a yellow umbo means interbreeding with other Brachys.
  17. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum acmodontum

    A trick: if you have a black/dark t-shirt, hang it over the back of a chair and put the plant in front of it. Plant either on the chair side or the back side.
  18. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum ooii

    Unfortunately, collectors are going to collect every week because they want a pay check. Are there still piles of concolor and niveum burning in the sun at the Bangkok flea market every weekend? Every local grower has had all they could ever want decades ago, and non-locals can't get them out...
  19. Rockbend

    Florida growing

    People like to say "Bulldog Paphs don't grow well in central/south FL, especially the hybrids from the Pacific NW" but I have a buddy in central FL who buys plants from Theresa Hill, grows them in about 3000fc and temps into the 90s, and blooms them every year. Maybe not as bushy-lush as plants...
  20. Rockbend

    Florida growing

    Paph grow great in Florida - Selby Gardens has Paph. esquirolei in outside beds growing year 'round like mondo grass, and they bloom just fine. You might think of growing under trees or using a shade cloth 'tent' or roof over them. Shade from the 14,000fc+ summer sun and good air movement are...