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  1. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum tranlienianum fm. album

    Have tried for years but they grow super-slow and haven't bloomed.
  2. Rockbend


    I love tranlienianum, especially the ones with green umbos on the staminode. They sometimes get nice purple colors in the petals and suffused elsewhere. I've sent several excellent ones to the judges that were completely ignored; I sent a small weird one (lip 'open' with stigma visible) and...
  3. Rockbend

    WOW!!! Venustum ‘pink wings’

    Check with Springwater - he has some of the best venustums I've ever seen!
  4. Rockbend

    Malipoense Finally Open for Business

    Paph. malipoense can be very frustrating: there is a tendency to put up buds in August when it is still hot, and the bud won't open. The bud usually just hangs there and falls off after 2-3 months. When they put up spikes in winter-spring the buds develop normally. I know a dealer that won't...
  5. Rockbend

    Bulbophyllum treschii ‘Octopussy’

    Interesting: these grow easily in Florida where it doesn't get below 78F for 6 months.
  6. Rockbend

    Paph Alexej

    Please post an update photo sometime: Paph. Alexej is semi-famous for asymmetrical twisting of the petals. Thanks.
  7. Rockbend

    Ppah Hung Sheng Cape

    Maybe it's just a stepping stone, trying to get hybrid vigor in anitum (and maybe more flowers) ?
  8. Rockbend

    Paph thianum

    Interesting that they are blooming now for you: here in the southeast US the normal season is usually March-April-May. Waiting for mine to get 'in the mood'...
  9. Rockbend

    Mexi on tree fern

    FWIW, YMMV, but that is not my experience. My Mexi's like a wetter mix and they grow within 6' of a 48" exhaust fan. Further proof that what works for one does not always work for another. Cheers!
  10. Rockbend

    Paph. hangianum

    Wonderful flower - and blooming at this time of year! While I also have one in bud now, they usually bloom April-June for me.
  11. Rockbend

    Mexi on tree fern

    FWIW - I have grown Mexipedium for ~20 years and have always done well with a chunky peat-bark mix for 4"-5" pots. My biggest plant is in an 8" pot of mostly Stalite gray rock. I'm in the 'hot south' and grow the plants in Cattleya/Dendrobium light; the only problems I have are when the potting...
  12. Rockbend

    Paph emersonii

    I'm in central Florida so January can warm or cold. I usually freeze 3-4 times a spring but it bounces right back to 60s/70s. In Chicago I would wait until... March? to do the added water. Depends on when the plants 'normally' bloom for you, for me they usually bloom March/April. Best wishes!
  13. Rockbend

    Paph emersonii

    FWIW While my P. emersonii bloom every year (occasionally twice in a year), they get the same treatment as others in the greenhouse. However, one trick I learned with reluctant Parvis and some others is to give a 'fake rainy season' to get them to bloom: starting around January I double up on...
  14. Rockbend

    First thaianum from my breeding efforts

    I've seen varying degrees of spots on the petals, but have not seen spots on the outside of the pouch before. However, they are certainly possible.
  15. Rockbend

    First thaianum from my breeding efforts

    Yours bloom in the fall? Mine always bloom around March-May.
  16. Rockbend

    Mexipedium xerophyticum

    Mine are in the hottest/brightest part of the greenhouse, which this summer has ranged 75-102. This summer has been brutal but they are doing fine. I am thinking of moving them back under 20% more shade for the next couple of months and see if they get a little greener/happier.
  17. Rockbend

    Amesiella monticola

    What is the difference between Amesiella monticola and Amesiella philippinensis? I've seen conflicting descriptions involving plant size and yellow in the lip.
  18. Rockbend

    Paph. Magic Lantern ( paler version)

    How hot is it there? I've found that the red colors are better when it blooms in cooler weather.
  19. Rockbend

    Ambilobe male & female chamemeons

    Fruit flies are easy - you just have to be a 'FF factory'! :) All the components are available on Amazon or Josh's Frogs: containers, excelsior, Repashy food mix. Cultures start producing in 2-3 weeks depending on melanogaster/hydei, and only produce for 2-3 weeks - so you have to make new...
  20. Rockbend

    Ambilobe male & female chamemeons

    The hardest part of Old World Chameleons is the 'bug farming' - the better you feed your bugs, the better food they are for your chams. That and the misting/dripping water - they won't drink from a dish. Great work Troy!