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  1. Happypaphy7

    Phalaenopsis schilleriana

    Depending on the breeding line and individual plants' traits, I think yours can bloom at the current size. I bought mine when the largest leaf was 4-5inches long in bloom and there were even smaller plants in bloom in the same box I picked mine from! You can use pretty much just about any mix...
  2. Happypaphy7

    Phalaenopsis schilleriana

    How small are your seedlings? They can be very slow growing while small. I once had a couple of seedlings from (rather not share) and they were very slow growing. The breeder told me about that, so I was aware of it ahead of time. These newer line bred ones are not very slow and they start to...
  3. Happypaphy7

    Phalaenopsis schilleriana

    Yeah, I like the leaves a lot!
  4. Happypaphy7

    Catasetums & Cycnoches 2024

    Well, yes and no. These were all from 3in round plastic pot from SVO. They are all in the sphagnum moss with Styrofoam peanuts at the bottom from the "farm". After about one year (sometimes two years, I know, I hate repotting lol), I take the plants out of the pot and just slide them into a...
  5. Happypaphy7

    thoughts on these P. helenae leaves

    Nothing wrong with the leaves. Just some green algae on some of the leaves. I don't know what you are worried about. I thought I was going to see half head looking plants with black fungal spots and yellowing leaves galore. Multiple growths plants like those shown in the photos at that price...
  6. Happypaphy7

    Catasetums & Cycnoches 2024

    It's mostly orchiata with some inorganic stuff mixed in. The plant was taken out of its 3in round plastic pot (contains some sphagnum moss that it grew in) earlier last year and put into a larger pot that it's in now with old moss and root ball.
  7. Happypaphy7

    Catasetums & Cycnoches 2024

    I don’t stop watering my Catasetum type plants. When the pot contents dry out, they are watered. However, I do increase the watering intervals when the plants have no leaves left for obvious reason.
  8. Happypaphy7

    Catasetums & Cycnoches 2024

    Here’s a sneak peak of Clowesia Grace Dunn getting ready to bloom soon!
  9. Happypaphy7

    Phalaenopsis schilleriana

    I bought this in bloom at the Dresden show in March last year. It is in bloom again slightly early. I usually get Phalaenopsis flowers evenly on the same plane so that it’s easy to take photos from one angle and still get most flowers facing the same direction. Oh, well, not this time. This...
  10. Happypaphy7

    Help with Phalaenopsis Id?

    These yellow flowered hybrids have Phalaenopsis emboinensis in them where the yellow color comes from. I don’t think there are not a whole lot of registered yellow ones but they pretty much all look very much the same. So I don’t think you could identify exactly what cross this is.
  11. Happypaphy7

    A Couple of parvis in Bloom & Bud

    More the merrier :D
  12. Happypaphy7

    Possible ID of Cochlopetalum Hybrid with Mottled Leaves?

    I wish I had taken a photo of the plant to make it easier to help ID it. So I saw this plant bearing pale green flowers looking almost like primulinum except it was not yellow. What's interesting to me was that the leaves had quite a few white dots. So the mottling on the plant was not as...
  13. Happypaphy7

    A Couple of parvis in Bloom & Bud

    The one on the right was facing away from the camera but I forced it so it would look at the camera. 😁
  14. Happypaphy7

    Catasetums & Cycnoches 2024

    Black is boring 😁 I like how yours turned out. Green flowers with dark spots. Is it a pretty big plant? I understand that lucis gets quite large and throw a giant upright spike bearing lots of flowers. and any scent?
  15. Happypaphy7

    A Couple of parvis in Bloom & Bud

    Yellow flowers look the best against the dark background so here’s an evening shot of the twins! 😍
  16. Happypaphy7

    Catasetums & Cycnoches 2024

    Thank you! Cycnoches hybrid that was posted here is in bloom again but not gonna post it again. It just has more flowers but looks the same as it did in October. A keeper! :) Cycnoches warscewiczii and Clowesia Grace Dunn as well as a couple of out of sync Catasetum are going to be in bloom very...
  17. Happypaphy7

    Masdevallia Snowbird (tovarensis x mejiana)

    Now that I live in a cooler climate, I am suddenly interested in Masdevallia. I've always liked the intense red one and white one of coccinea, and yours is just as lovely. Fragrance is always a big plus! :)
  18. Happypaphy7

    A Couple of parvis in Bloom & Bud

    Yeah, it's not the end of the world. At least there are no major crease or anything on the petals. Or a big dent on the side of the pouch. 😁
  19. Happypaphy7

    A Couple of parvis in Bloom & Bud

    Other than the dorsal, I'm quite happy with this one! :)
  20. Happypaphy7

    A Couple of parvis in Bloom & Bud

    Two more