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  1. smartie2000

    Paphiopedilum charlesworthii

    I like the patterning in the dorsal
  2. smartie2000

    Phragmipedium Les Varines

    I like that unusual colouring
  3. smartie2000

    Phragmipedium Cotton Candy

    The white one in the front is my fav
  4. smartie2000

    Phragmipedium Shadow Fantasy

    beautiful one! neat seeing them blooming out differently. I have one as well
  5. smartie2000

    Paph. fairrieanum, Easy?

    ....I'm trying to move into more phrags since I can bloom and grow them better. Except there is more variety in paphs and plus I keep getting tempted to buy more paphs. I agree with the above. farrieanum is not easy. I bloomed one, unfortunately it didn't last for a second blooming. I might try...
  6. smartie2000

    Zygonisia Roquebrune

    jealous, because I cannot grow them. And you have no leaf spots!
  7. smartie2000

    Paph. Magic Lantern x Norito Hasegawa

    Interesting how much malipoense there is in the bloom. I do like the glossiness. Here's a link to my plant, its quite different though I did find it to be thicker/glossier for a parvi as well:
  8. smartie2000

    Why do people still collect?

    I will probably not try bellatulum anytime soon...they die quickly. I have my doubts that those plants will survive in the photograph. But I maybe wrong...
  9. smartie2000

    2nd Annual Japanese Neofinetia Judging!

    well grown plants!!
  10. smartie2000

    Cycnoches Tawny

    beautiful spotting!
  11. smartie2000

    Phragmipedium Mini Grande update

    I must have one eventually, I love the whole package
  12. smartie2000

    Prosthechea mariae

    gorgeous! I didn't know there was a species in that genus like this
  13. smartie2000

    Phrag Lutz Röllke

    Beautiful, I like the twists
  14. smartie2000

    Orchids and Art. in México.

    amazingly realistic renderings of delicate orchids in something so solid
  15. smartie2000

    Paphiopedilum ((Shadow Magic x Nightshadow) 'Midnight' x charlesworthii)

    empressive. Looks like a big bloom too
  16. smartie2000

    Tolu. Orchidom Natalie capsule

    lovely photo :)
  17. smartie2000

    brachys and a pleasant surprise

    :drool:aureum lowii! omg
  18. smartie2000

    hangianum x roths'#2'

    nice, I like that large sepals. Better than the last photo of this cross I saw a while back, posted by Olaf Gruss. That one was a monster.
  19. smartie2000

    My first cyps...cyp reginae in my garden

    Nice job!! I cannot bloom mine, not the easiest cyp
  20. smartie2000

    Phragmipedium Franz Glanz

    Charming flower