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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Peru

    Caudatum !

    Tnx for the comments! Just open ! :)
  2. Peru

    Phragmipedium group picture

    Bravo! :)
  3. Peru

    Longifolium var. Hinksianum supposedly...

  4. Peru

    Caudatum !

    Almost fully open! Just moved to the living room for display:D subir imagenes
  5. Peru

    Another Eumelia Arias

    Tnx Paphio:p ! i have a wall of peruvian masks and a couple of nepalese chinese.
  6. Peru

    Two Phrags

  7. Peru

    Another Eumelia Arias

    Yesterday was 11cm wide..but now petals have folded and its 10cm.Still looking good! I might cross next spike with a friends besseae that is blooming now :D subir fotos a internet
  8. Peru

    Another Eumelia Arias

    Lol Abax ...probably is the humidity? mine just grows in the living room in a bucket! Lima is really mid weather...never to hot never to cold humidity from 50 to 98% depending the season
  9. Peru

    Another Eumelia Arias

    tnx for the coments..The shape now have change and the flower is gonna upload new pic soon!
  10. Peru


  11. Peru


    i will!tnx
  12. Peru


    Manrique just told me its a very rare variation of caudatum
  13. Peru

    Barbara Leann

  14. Peru


    I was in Acho market today and i saw this plant among other caudatums but this looks different . There was another with the same colors and shape. Ask the vendor and told me this 2 where from a new area.....sorry for the pics quality but sometimes vendors are not friendly when someone start...
  15. Peru

    Phragmidedium Eumelia Arias x caudatum

    UPDATE: Success?! image url upload upload pictures online online photo storage
  16. Peru

    Another Eumelia Arias

    Another Eumelia Arias flower yay! temp image upload adult image host posted image picture uploader posted image
  17. Peru

    Advice needed kovachii seed sowing

    Hello Eliseo! what hqppens with the seedlibgs at the end?
  18. Peru

    Visiting Alfredo Manrique

    Amazing place ! subir foto sube imagenes free upload pictures image ru subir imagenes gratis subir imagenes gratis subirimagenes image hosting 10mb limit image hosting 20mb upload gif from url free photo hosting jpg images sube...
  19. Peru

    Sunset Glow 4N

    Fantastic color!
  20. Peru

    Phragmidedium Eumelia Arias x caudatum

    Tnx Troy! i hope also