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  1. R

    Guess the bud

  2. R

    urbanianum "The Beauty"... and "The Beast"

    "The Beauty" left, "The Beast", right.
  3. R

    Paphiopedilum Saint Ouens Bay

    No problem. I'll add a fuzzy search so that people don't rack their brains on the spelling. My goal is to add aos pictures alongside... but given the copyrights I won't be able to make that public. For the tech lovers this is a Google Go server hosted on a Raspberry pi.
  4. R

    Paphiopedilum Saint Ouens Bay

    I made a version available at:
  5. R

    Guess the bud

  6. R


    When I got it, it had around 13 mature growths plus a few starters. Last time I checked there were more than 5 new growths. I observed the plant grows a leaf a month per growth in summer.
  7. R


    Speedy hangianum is clearly in spike, at last. I first noticed the spike last September, then it stalled until last week. The plant last flowered last May when I got it. Funny thing, there was a calliphora vomitoria stuck on the pollen (I spare you the picture). Exactly the kind of scent I...
  8. R

    Complex paphs and other

    Chardmoor is nice. Is it the same as in 2011?
  9. R

    Paphiopedilum Fumi's Delight

    Sam's cross micranthum 'Red Sunset' x armeniacum Sam's
  10. R

    eBay question

    Manual bidding doesn't compete against robot snipers. You've got to use the same weapons.
  11. R

    eBay question

    As a bidder you should be able to see the full bid history. Anyway I hope you haven't disclosed your max bid...
  12. R

    Phrag. Fritz Schomburg 'Khaleesi'

    The name, lol
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  14. R

    Paph thaianum

    Tu en trouves dans tous les magasins pour jadiniers en "herbe" Nathalie...
  15. R

    Visit at Dürbusch

    Too bad they don't answer their mails. Well they are not the only ones after all.
  16. R

    Paph. urbanianum '#2'

    Better buy purpuratum in bloom. They can turn out ugly.
  17. R

    Nitens 'Magnifica'

  18. R

    A candy :) Paph. canhii

    Canhii is relatively new, from 2010 iirc, so I don't find it surprising seedling aren't out there. On the other end in the EU at least, it's nearly impossible to find BS/adult non-collected plants of a few species on the market, among: - fairrieanum (1857) - violascens (1911) - ciliolare...
  19. R

    A candy :) Paph. canhii

    Lol. Why focus on canhii? What about hangianum, emersonii, ciliolare, violascens, vietnamense and the like? I wouldn't say either is thriving in collection. Yet there are seeds out there.