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  1. G

    A couple terrarium Bulbos.

    Yes, both are mounted directly to cork panels.
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    A couple terrarium Bulbos.

    Bulbo. woelfliae Bulbo. speciosum
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    LOC: madagascar pre-order

    It appears that Madagascar will remain open for somewhat longer:
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    LOC: madagascar pre-order

    Naoki, I never found a document mentioning a closure, but my information came from Chameleon and Uroplatus forum/FB groups and was backed up by Dr. Chris Anderson, who is a herpetologist with a chameleon focus at Brown University (I think). He also has made recommendations to CITES based on...
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    LOC: madagascar pre-order

    I'm not affiliated either, but I am local and friends with John and Tin. With that said, I may be a tad biased, but my comments are still true. I visited the nursery about a week after they received one of their imports, and all of the plants look great for taking that long voyage. The "dead"...
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    Dendrobium bulbophylloides

    Chad, how are you growing this one? Mine has never seemed very happy.
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    Bulbophyllum mastersianum

    This species has fairly large flowers compared to the plant as well, correct?
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    Maxillaria arachnitiflora

    This is extremely nice!
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    Cryptopus paniculatus

    My first blooming of a seedling I purchased from Louisiana Orchid Connection. I was surprised to see it producing two spikes on such a young plant. I have wanted to grow this genus since I received the Angraecoid Orchids book as a kid, so blooming this one is eventful for me!
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    Aerangis distincta

    I'll definitely be there Saturday, and I'm pretty sure I'll be there Sunday to help with the take down. I'll be sure to stop by your exhibit and introduce myself.
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    Aerangis distincta

    One of my favorite Aerangis! Eron, will you be making it to the Baton Rouge show this weekend?
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    C. Granier's Charm 'Gran Patty' AM/AOS

    When I read the title, I was surprised that Ervin also bred Phrags., and then I saw the picture :p Beautiful flower regardless!
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    Bulbophyllum speciosum

    Thanks for the kind remarks! Chad, I was also surprised when I noticed it on Ecuagenera's list. The flowers aren't all that large (definitely smaller than Bulbo. phal and relatives and probably smaller than Bulbo. arfakianum, grandiflorum, etc. as well). It looks quite large because the...
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    Coelogyne usitana

    Thanks Tom. That's what I figured on the flower color. I have it right up against the cooler in the greenhouse, so I guess my only hope for dark flowers are those that develop in the fall/winter.
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    Coelogyne usitana

    Sorry, should have been more specific, Tom-DE. Culture-wise, I grow this next to my wet wall in the greenhouse, shaded afternoon light, watered 3-5 times a week. Tom was growing this mounted to cork, so I left it that way. I normally see them grown in baskets, I think, so my watering...
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    my apologies

    Chad, sorry to hear you had to go through all of that, but I'm happy to see that you're still around. I look forward to many more nice posts from you.
  17. G

    Bulbophyllum speciosum

    This one doesn't have a fragrance that I can detect. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any Hapalochilus (Bulbophyllums whose lips are immobile) that have any fragrance, pleasant or otherwise.
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    Coelogyne usitana

    Probably my favorite member of the genus even though my clone isn't as dark as some you see. My plant came from Tom.
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    Bulbophyllum speciosum

    When I found this plant on Ecuagenera's list this year, I decided to try it even though I knew it probably wanted cooler conditions than I could provide. It initially dropped a few leaves but seems to have stabilized a bit and is finally maturing a bloom after blasting a number of spikes earlier...
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    Maxillaria pseudoreichenheimiana

    Well-bloomed! I like this species quite a lot.