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  1. shakkai

    Masdevallia Copper Wing

    Eric, I only grow one Dracula. I had another one, but I think my humidity varied too much and the buds kept blasting, so I gave it to someone who grows in a greenhouse and could keep it happy. I'm happy to stick with the Masdies.
  2. shakkai

    Paphs and Phrags in Basel...

    Finally! Nice list, Ramón. (And you know the ones I want!! :evil:) All I can say is you need more Phrags!!
  3. shakkai

    Current Slipper List

    Nice new additions! I picked up a Chou-Yi Yuki not too long ago, I can't wait to see it bloom!!
  4. shakkai

    Masdevallia Copper Wing

    In my Exo-Terra tank, the ambient humidity (without any special devices) is normally above 70%. Over 90% after their daily misting. One of the other advantages of being in the UK!! High humidity most of the time.
  5. shakkai

    Masdevallia Copper Wing

    Nah... too cold in Canada in the winter! We have the best of both in the UK: cool summers and very mild winters (usually).
  6. shakkai

    New to this board

    Welcome, Meg! You've found a great place to learn all about slipper orchids. Don't be surprised if you find your collection increasing after seeing some of the fantastic things posted here!
  7. shakkai

    Paphs and Phrags, so far...

    Ramón, See my PM....
  8. shakkai

    Masdevallia Copper Wing

    Rose, the summers here don't get very hot - if it gets into the 80s its the exception rather than the rule. So, for me, the Masdies are quite easy growers. I think that in general, hybrid Masdies are much more tolerant than a lot of the species.
  9. shakkai

    Masdevallia Copper Wing

    Thanks guys! It is quite a striking flower, and has pretty good form for this hybrid. It isn't difficult at all, so long as temps don't get too high. It doesn't seem to be quite a fussy about water quality as some of the species Masdies. All in all, I find hybrid Masdies to be easy to grow...
  10. shakkai

    Paph vietnamense alba

    :) Elena just may get a piece if that is the case!
  11. shakkai

    Paph vietnamense alba

    That is beautiful! Thank you, Rudolf! I've got some time to go before my plant is big enough to bloom, but you'll all have to be patient with me!
  12. shakkai

    Paph. In-Charm Greenery.

    Nice addition, Jim! So pretty!
  13. shakkai

    Masdevallia Copper Wing

    This one has just started flowering here:
  14. shakkai

    Paph vietnamense alba

    Yes, Elena, you are so right! The leaves are the most beautiful dark mottled shiny things... It helps give me patience waiting for seedlings to mature to bloom size!
  15. shakkai

    Paphs and Phrags, so far...

    I wasn't expecting to find something like that at the show. Possibly the London Orchid Show coming up next month... but this was simply a case of being in the right place at the right time! Its funny, as I didn't read the label on them at first. I was looking at some helenae, and this was...
  16. shakkai

    Paph vietnamense alba

    Hi Rudolf, Its Shannan, not Jim... but yes, I am really looking forward to seeing what the flower is like! I've not seen even photos of it. Anyone know of any? Also, does anyone know if this is really that much smaller a plant normally? My smallest regular seedling is about 4"LS, and this...
  17. shakkai

    2009 ST Fund Auction

    Listing the plants and when they will be posted is a great idea! It helps everyone plan ahead. I had thought that there would be multiple plants per week - unless that would be too confusing?
  18. shakkai

    Paph vietnamense alba

    I was very happy to come home with this precious little thing from the Bournemouth Orchid Society Show on Saturday. Here is a photo of the plant & one of it in comparison to the other vietnamense seedlings...
  19. shakkai

    Paphs and Phrags, so far...

    Well, it is two growths... but they are SO LITTLE! I had a poke around, and they appear to be connected, so they are the same plant, and not just two tiny seedlings potted up together. If they grow well, it may be that it could be divided in a couple of years... want to put your name on a...