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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. H

    Space vacancy

    I think you can pack one more in there!
  2. H

    Paph. malipoense

    yes, not your typical malipoense when i saw it first bloom. the petal markings are neat. the bloom is kinda small compared to other ones I have seen, hopefully the 2nd bloom gets bigger as the plant grows. the spike was very tall on this one as well.
  3. H

    Paph. malipoense

  4. H

    Paph armeniacum

    I added an updated photo, as you can see, I removed them from the basket culture. Watering was never an issue, I think it was just too much water during the winter. There's some new growths as you can see but its too early to tell what's happening and yes, the growth is sloooww...
  5. H

    Paph noid, can anyone guess?

    you guys are amazing! thank you Tim!
  6. H

    Paph noid, can anyone guess?

    Tag says charlesworthii hybrid from paphanatics...
  7. H

    Zieckianum bud progression

    what is that around the plant? celery?
  8. H

    Paph armeniacum

    these bloomed nicely early spring but unfortunately they seem to go downhill from there =( not sure why, maybe needed a dry cold rest?
  9. H

    Never again, ORCHID INN!

    I've ordered twice from Sam, same story. I got mostly green wired roots when I inspected the plants. It's a good thing I prefer to use my own mix when I get a new shipment. the last order was several flasks from a lab that he uses. A few flasks were simply not yet ready before shipping them out...
  10. H

    Resealing Paph flask

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions, I think I will give it a week before deflasking. Like Stone said, I prefer to harden off a bit before taking them out. I prefer not to say who the vendor is, but probably will be my last order. the first order of plants all had missing roots. I learned to...
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    Resealing Paph flask

    got bellatulums, micrantums, rothschilidanums, and tigrinum--notoriously difficult to establish after flasking.
  12. H

    Resealing Paph flask

    Hi everyone, I received today a few paph flasks. one of the flask appears the seedlings are not yet ready for compot. The problem is the flask has been opened and foam peanuts put in there to prevent the agar from jumbling. Is there a way to resealed and sanitize the flask? it has a twist cap on...
  13. H

    Paph rothschildianum inquiry

    I will post pics of the blooms. The Excelsior has been neglected for some time but its putting out good growth now. There is a blooming size Exbury, it should come to bud in March/April and I post pix of the bloom later. Neat to have original wild collected plants!
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    Paph rothschildianum inquiry

    Awesome, thank you everyone! That's a great start! Looks like an older awarded clone, I wonder how they stack up with today's breeding standards.
  15. H

    Paph rothschildianum inquiry

    Hi everyone, I got a couple rothschildianum some time ago and haven't been successful locating a picture of the flowers. one has a clonal name of "Excelsior" with FCC/AOS award and the other is "Exbury" Does anyone have a picture they can post and some history and additional info...
  16. H

    Taiwan or Japan?

    Thank you everyone for your responses, I will be staying for only 2-3 days. Taiwan's TOGA will fall around the time I go, too bad I will miss Japan's Grand Prix---I heard that is awesome event. I'll snap some photos and post them here. I'm leaning towards Taiwan now.
  17. H

    Taiwan or Japan?

    Hi Everyone, I need a little insight on where to go. It's going to be my first vacation for a long time. I will be staying with a friend in Indonesia, but I'm thinking of doing a few days lay over in either Taiwan or Japan. My trip is from March 8-25th...does anyone have any recommendation...
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    I think it should depend on how you grow the plant to distinguish the plants. true wenshanense can take the cold pretty well, mines actually thrive in cooler temperatures (around 40 degrees) setting buds in winter. I doubt a man-made hybrid, conco-bellatulum will take the cold, if I get one...