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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. H

    Paphiopedilum helenae

    is it me or the one on the far right look extra big! nice!
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    Peruflora website?

    did they go out of business?
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    paphiopedilum micranthum dunkel

    wow, didn't even know a dunkel variety exists! looks great, I want one now!
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    Sad Paphs

    I second to check the roots to make it quickly, the last thing you want to do is overwater if the roots have rotted away.
  5. H

    Help me choose

    how about a Ho Chi Minh?
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    Phrag. Tara Divisions

    PM you! =)
  7. H

    Wanted: Paph vietnamense

    Looking for a nice paph vietnamense, bs, compots or flask will do. also anyone have any original Ray Rands paphs for sale?
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    Paph godefroyaes and S.Gratrix

    sent you a PM..
  9. H

    small offering

    sent you a PM. thanks!
  10. H

    Wanted: Mexipedium

    I have a two mature growth division. Pm if imterested.
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    OZ Roth

    thanks Aquacorps! perhaps they were out of town or something, I'll put that down as the cross!
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    OZ Roth

    they never respond to any emails.
  13. H

    OZ Roth

    Hi all, I picked up a rothschildianum over the weekend from a local hobbyist. the tag had a Orchid Zone tag a Z2519. Does anyone know the clonal name or its parents? thanks!
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    Wanted: Paph tigrinum

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! I've just updated my profile. I'm from SF, CA!!! Hope there's other paph growers around me!
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    Wanted: Paph tigrinum

    Title says it all, please let me know if you have a division of this wonderful species. thank you!