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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. cpmaniac

    Phrag besseae

    Really gorgeous Phrag. besseae - well done!
  2. cpmaniac

    Mem Mariza Rolando (kovachii x Hanne Popow)

    Nice form and color - a winner!
  3. cpmaniac

    Grodan/Perlite growing media . . .

    I have been using a similar mix to what Pete M is using, with good results for "short-petaled" wet growers. I bought a sack of LECA recently, and plan on mixing it roughly 1:1 with cubes, and using for the species and hybrids that I have in bark mixes.
  4. cpmaniac

    Mem Mariza Rolando (kovachii x Hanne Popow)

    Looks promising...good luck!
  5. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium caudatum - First blooming

    Looks terrific - well done!
  6. cpmaniac

    Phrag. d'alessandroi 'DD #2'

    It's putting on a beautiful show!
  7. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium La Aldea Tersura

    Very pretty! Thanks for sharing.
  8. cpmaniac

    fischeri bloomed nice this time

    Very nice. It puts mine to shame...maybe I'll try African Violets:confused:
  9. cpmaniac

    Feeling old

    Well, as I'm aging, I'm meeting lots of new people. A podiatrist, ophthalmologist, and two urologists...what larks! Seriously, I should give some thoughts to the fate of my plants, when I leave the planet. My father had a very nice collection of orchids. He died young, and my mother cared for...
  10. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium besseae flavum seedling

    Good job rescuing the plant! I would also let it produce one flower and then cut.
  11. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium Lovely Lynne

    Well done, David. That's simply gorgeous.
  12. cpmaniac

    Phrag. fischeri 'Purple Plum'

  13. cpmaniac

    Phrag. d'alessandroi 'DD #2'

    That is really gorgeous, Tom. Well done!
  14. cpmaniac

    Phrag. Yoko W. Fischer

    This has been open a couple weeks, and it is perhaps past its' prime, but the color really stands out in the greenhouse. Pretty sure it is from Quintal Farms. Cheers and good growing, Paul
  15. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium Kovachii is open!!

    Beautiful...good luck with the selfing!
  16. cpmaniac

    Peek-A-Boo Vinnie the Venustum

    Amazing colors...can't wait to see it fully open!
  17. cpmaniac

    My first success with bessae

    Very pretty ... nice job!
  18. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium Cardinale

    Great colors!