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  1. cpmaniac

    Phrag. besseae f. flavum

    Very beautiful color...well done!
  2. cpmaniac

    Paphiopedilum henryanum ‘EggPlant’

    Superb clone!
  3. cpmaniac

    New from New York!

    I suspect there are probably spores in the dried moss. Using RO water, it often starts growing, even outdoors, where the humidity can be quite low.
  4. cpmaniac

    New from New York!

    Here's live sphagnum growing on a pot containing Phrag. longifolium: This is just dried NZ Sphagnum that started growing. Cheers and good growing, Paul
  5. cpmaniac

    Phrag Pearcei - first Phrag to flower for me!

    Also one of my favorites...well done!
  6. cpmaniac

    New from New York!

    Welcome from smoky California. And yes, good luck keeping your collection small! I have live sphagnum topping some of my pots. In my conditions it spreads quickly, and roots will follow. I learned the hard way it has to be kept trimmed back to avoid a tangled mess of roots!
  7. cpmaniac


    The teeth around the peristome can be sharp, and the species in this thread have some of the largest. Also, they are quite sturday, and if you made the effort, they could penetrate your skin. The three famous species from Borneo with very toothy peristomes are N. macrophylla, N. villosa and...
  8. cpmaniac

    Phrag Mémoria Marcel lussier

    The pale color is arresting! Very nice...
  9. cpmaniac


    That's exquisite! Well done, Chris.
  10. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium besseae x 2

    A couple Phrag. besseae in bloom: Phrag. besseae guarumales Phrag. besseae from OZ Cheers, Paul
  11. cpmaniac

    Phrag. fischeri ‘Fox Valley’

    Such a delight! Well done, Tom.
  12. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium schlimii var. manzurii

    First bloom for me: Cheers, Paul
  13. cpmaniac

    Phrag. La Hougette 'Kelly Creek' AM/AOS

    Very nice flower, Max. I, too, have been having some mite issues. The plants affected are recent purchases from one vendor. They had been treated for mites by the vendor, but they came back. I hit them with Avid. I just ordered some Azamax, and will use that in rotation.
  14. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium Jerry Lee Fischer

    Gorgeous flower and well grown plant - great job!
  15. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium Asuko Fischer 'Waunakee'

    Lovely bloom!
  16. cpmaniac

    Pros and Cons of Grodan rock wool mini cubes

    No, I just use the containers because they are tall. Cheers, Paul
  17. cpmaniac

    Phragmipedium Darlene Thompson

    Very nice! The delicate coloration is really attractive.
  18. cpmaniac

    Pros and Cons of Grodan rock wool mini cubes

    "Also... I need to find out how you grow a field of Sarrenicia like that. I have a few in small pots, they look kind of scrawny on their own.. do you use a shallow tray or deep tub? any tips would be much appreciated!" I'm using plastic wading pools. Lots of cp growers around here use them...
  19. cpmaniac

    Pros and Cons of Grodan rock wool mini cubes

    Hello southernbelle, The pot in the photo is a one quart freezer/soup container. My wife has been packing leftovers in them for my son for years. I stole a few and used them for sundews (Drosera) and Paphs. More recently, I saw Jason Fischer recommending them for Phrags and they work well...