I'm only using the Growstone as an additive to the mix for my kovachiis and kovachii hybrids. Phrag. fischeri reportedly prefers a higher pH, so I'm using some Growstone with it as well. I just give it a light rinse when making up the mix. I use it pretty dry and water after the plants are...
That plant is a division I received 5 months ago. It went right into that mix. I put a couple holes in the side almost midway up, and a few in the bottom, much like they do at OL.
I don't know about pumice. I'll have to investigate. I didn't attend the 64TH Paphiopedilum Guild this year...
I water kovachii, besseae and the like daily - others two or three times a week. The maximum greenhouse temperature is normally 78 F, but hits the low 80's during extreme heat waves. The area in the direct path of the swamp cooler output stays below 75F.
I have a lot to learn about phrag...
I'm really enjoying this thread...lots of useful information. I've used regular clay bonsai pots. They are heavy and it's difficult to add drainage holes. Those plastic pots are on my list.
This Phrag. kovachii has been in Grodan Mini-Cubes plus charcoal and Growstone GS-2 for five months...
That’s very pretty. I’ve snagged a couple seedlings from Woodstream hoping for a
white flower. Have you seen the photo of a white Hanne Popow from OZ in Tropical
Slipper Orchids? I wonder if any are still in cultivation?
Great improvement - reminds me not to give up on a couple here. Obviously, your care is paying off. Phrag. dalessandroi coming throguh nicely with that branching spike - love it!
Just cut the top including two or three nodes and dip in root hormone powder, before potting in LFS. After it is well rooted, pot in your regular mix. Sometimes I get lazy and just put the cutting in water and wait for roots...