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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Julius

    Plants Update After 8 weeks’ Absence

    Thank you for sharing your valuable pearls of wisdom. Truly appreciated!!
  2. Julius

    Montreal Orchid Show 2023

    Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing. I went to the SOOS show in Toronto for the first time in over ten years and was barely able to see two of the displays. I just saw a lot of cell phones and sadly people taking tags out of display pots ... it will be a lot longer than ten years before...
  3. Julius

    Spring Blooms

    All are beautiful and kudos to your great photography. I have always loved Mini Mark, now Liu’s Cute Angel is added to the list. Thanks for sharing
  4. Julius

    After 40 years - rethinking my place in the world of orchids

    What an amazing exchange here people. The posts here shed light on many aspects of internet benefits and detractors. I work in health care and can't believe the effects of both good and absolutely horrific misinformation courtesy of how individuals manage to promote themselves on various...
  5. Julius

    Phragmipedium Acker's Classic

    beautiful blooms and great photography. Thank you for sharing
  6. Julius

    Paph urbanianum

    Wow, great colour and markings
  7. Julius

    Paph philippinense

    One of my favourites also. Absolutely stunning
  8. Julius


    very nice shape and great colour
  9. Julius

    Dealing with being laid off.

    OOOO! I have been dabbling in the rose propagation and growing the last few years and I love it !! The history finding the right rose for the right growing space .. loved the challenge, I find it almost as addictive as the orchid intersest, but if it could be my employment .. I could...
  10. Julius

    Dealing with being laid off.

    Wow, I cannot believe the breadth and extent of the support in this group! There are truly some amazing people here. I truly wish each and everyone of you good luck, peaceful moments and every possible happiness. Your thoughtful words and sharing are a definite asset during uncertain times...
  11. Julius

    thianum x (Stone Lovely x sib)

    beautiful!! stunning clear colour
  12. Julius

    Paphiopedilum charlesworthii fm. sandowiae ‘Her Majesty’ FCC/AOS

    Absolutely stunning in its simplicity, a true celebration of form
  13. Julius

    Trio of malipoense

    Absolutely beautiful! I smiled at how long it took me to pan the length of the spike :)
  14. Julius

    Norito Hasegawa

    Beautiful shape! I have a NH cross with Fanaticum. It has not bloomed for me yet, but your share has brought renewed optimism ☺️
  15. Julius

    Greetings from Ontario!

    Welcome from Ontario as well. WOW growing since you were ten .. that is inspiring!!
  16. Julius

    Paphiopedilum philippinense var roebelenii 'Coco' AM/AOC

    wow!! Amazing plant, stunning flowers and great photography! Thank you for sharing and inspiring us
  17. Julius

    Paph Prohill 'You'll Do' 2022

    Beautiful colour with amazing shape and balance, a joy to see this beauty, many thanks for taking the time to share
  18. Julius

    Paph Magic Lantern album

    Wowza, shape, colour, and you managed to show the beautiful leaves as well for us .. Thanks, Stephen for the share .. made my day
  19. Julius

    Paphiopedilum White Lady

    Love them all !! Mind you I seem to love ALL white flowers. Thank you for sharing
  20. Julius

    Phrag Inca Rose 3N (besseae 'Rob's Choice' 4N AM/AOS x Pink Panther 'Pink Eye')

    Beautiful, I specifically like the colour shift at the bloom's "equator" .. striking! Not only do you grow a beautiful prag, but you take a great photo ... I will give the bloom some credit for being so photogenic ;)