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  1. SlipperFan

    Paph Saiun 'Littlefrog Too'

    Thanks! --- for the photo, also. Nice.
  2. SlipperFan

    Paph Saiun 'Littlefrog Too'

    Rob, are you calling this 'Littlefrog Too'???
  3. SlipperFan

    Paph Saiun 'Littlefrog Too'

    It is a beauty! Congrats on the award.
  4. SlipperFan

    Paph. braemii photos needed

    I remember you! How many plants do you have now? Thanks for checking for a braemii grower.
  5. SlipperFan

    Paph. braemii photos needed

    :) I'lll keep you in mind... Thanks! Maybe as I have fewer orchids to take care of, I'll have more time to chat.:D
  6. SlipperFan

    Paph. braemii photos needed

    Hi Angela! I'm fine. Trying to downsize a little -- I have nearly 1000 orchids, nearly half of them slippers. That is too many for me to take care of properly, and they are so crowded that I think they can't get the light and air they need to grow well. So about 70 big plants just left, and I...
  7. SlipperFan

    Paph. braemii photos needed

    Professor Guido Braem asked me if I knew anyone who has a Paph. braemii and could send him photos of both sides of its leaves. I don't have one, but I thought if anyone does, that person would be on Slippertalk. If you do and are willing to take some fairly close-up photos for Guido, please...
  8. SlipperFan

    Paph. charlesworthii, album 'Wacousta'

    Thanks, Charles. That's what I figured.
  9. SlipperFan

    Paph. charlesworthii, album 'Wacousta'

    Do you know if this "house plant" rule shared by the US? I've not heard of it.
  10. SlipperFan

    New Phrag species - Phragmipedium cabrejosii

    Very nice drawing. Is it yours? Do you know anything about this Phrag's habitat? Is it similar to caricinum's? Thanks!
  11. SlipperFan

    Paph. charlesworthii, album 'Wacousta'

    He asked me if I wanted seedlings. I didn't. The cross from Sam was ‘Jumbo’ x ‘Half-n-Half’. The year after I got mine awarded, Sam had one awarded that, in my opinion, was even better -- the whole dorsal was pure white.
  12. SlipperFan

    Paph. charlesworthii, album 'Wacousta'

    So, I just looked at the photos in this thread. Is that what Photobucket is doing now? Blurring the image unless you pay them their outragous fee?
  13. SlipperFan

    Paph. charlesworthii, album 'Wacousta'

    An old post, indeed! :) I gave that plant away a long time ago, to Thanh Nguyen (Springwater Orchids) to use for breeding. I don't know if he still has it.
  14. SlipperFan

    Any particular variety of moss...

    I've kinda been keeping track of what's been going on here, but not very actively. I may have ordered from your TN place some time ago. The moss was good, but had lots of evergreen tree debris in it. If you want just top dressing, just about any moss should do. As I said, personally I prefer...
  15. SlipperFan

    Any particular variety of moss...

    I purchase my tree moss from They sell it either wet or dry, and carry several kinds of mosses. Shipping isn't cheap as it comes from Washington state. But our society has been using it for years for our displays, and I use it for my baskets and top-dressing.
  16. SlipperFan

    Dr. Guido J. Braem book on Phragmipedium.

    Jerry talks about that in the link I provided.
  17. SlipperFan

    RIP Stephen Hawking

    Nice of you to call me a philosopher, Berthold. According to my dictionary, a philosopher is a thinker, and (among other things) a wise (person). We can use more of that here. Said without sarcasm.
  18. SlipperFan

    RIP Stephen Hawking

    "Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built." Abraham Lincoln Another way of saying this is -- Don't try to pump yourself up by tearing down...
  19. SlipperFan

    Dr. Guido J. Braem book on Phragmipedium.

    Here is what Jerry Fischer has to say about this book: And in my opinion, the in-situ photos are very informative regarding their cultural needs.
  20. SlipperFan

    Phragmipedium Elfin's Pink Supreme

    Love the color and the shape!