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  1. kiwi

    Paph. micranthum var. album

    Unfortunately no.
  2. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    I got this from Holger Perner in 2015. The flask was Paphiopedilum wardii f. viride ‘Wada’s Gift’ x self
  3. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    I can't see any real difference between the two siblings with regards to leaf comparisons.
  4. kiwi

    Paph. tigrinum

    Nice. Great dorsal
  5. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    Thanks Jens, I will make the name change
  6. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    Thanks, it was my first ever show and first ever award
  7. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    The red one was awarded an AM. Unfortunately the album couldn’t be judged due to Covid
  8. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    The cross is 'Semi Gigantic' x 'Russ's Red'. Sam did expect some would be albino. In his description he said that both parents were from 2nd germination albino breeding.
  9. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    This is the red from the same flask.
  10. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

    It definitely has a pinkish tinge to it. The plant came from a flask from Sam Tsui and it was a cross that has albino parents in the background. All the others from the flask have been red so far.
  11. kiwi

    Paph. micranthum var. album

    Thanks for the info. They have very good roots. I will likely send the pods to a contact in Taiwan so it is done correctly.
  12. kiwi

    Paph. wardii album & fairrieanum album

  13. kiwi

    Paph. armeniacum

    Nice work. What media do you use?
  14. kiwi

    Paph. micranthum var. album

    I have this plant about to flower. I also have a second one with a spike also. I was thinking about doing a sib cross with them but wonder perhaps if this is a bit risky due to the size of the plant? Any thoughts?
  15. kiwi

    PEOY 'Sublime Botanical Noodliness' 2020

    Well grown.
  16. kiwi

    Paph charlesworthii

    Beautiful colours
  17. kiwi

    Phrag. manzurii 'LeNguyen's Angel'

  18. kiwi

    Paphiopedilum mastersianum ‘Chocolate’

    1. rothschildianum 2. micranthum 3. hangianum (especially album)
  19. kiwi

    Paphiopedilum mastersianum ‘Chocolate’

    Very nice. What are your top 3 species?
  20. kiwi

    New seedlings

    I think you should be planting deeper. They look healthy enough. Maybe combine all into another community pot.