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  1. kiwi

    Peruflora email

    Thanks for the help
  2. kiwi

    Phrag. popowii (syn. caudatum var warscewiczianum/warscewiczii/humboldtii)

    Does anyone know where I could buy flasks of this? Thanks in advance
  3. kiwi

    Phrag. Ben Stormes (tetzlaffianum x humboldtii) Flasks

    Thanks Tom. Possible to put one in with an order from Sam?
  4. kiwi

    Phrag. Ben Stormes (tetzlaffianum x humboldtii) Flasks

    Hi Tom, Do you have any of these flasks left?
  5. kiwi

    Peruflora email

    Ca anybody help with a contact email address for Peruflora? Also, what experience is out there with the quality of their flasks? Thanks
  6. kiwi

    Phrag schlimii var. Manzuri

    Really nice.
  7. kiwi

    Phrag besseae first flowering

    I keep all of my Phragmipedium in baskets. Yes they are roths. Roths make up around 1/3 of my collection.
  8. kiwi

    Phrag besseae first flowering

    Thanks. The mix I use is 6 parts seedling grade bark, 2 parts perlite or pumice and 1 part crushed oyster shell. I get my baskets from a local supplier. They are essentially baskets for aquatic plants.
  9. kiwi

    Phrag besseae first flowering

    Apparently it isn’t 4N but Sam has said even if it is 3N some seed will germinate if it is sib crossed or selfed. I’m not up to speed with genetics 101.
  10. kiwi

    Phrag besseae first flowering

    I was under the impression it was 4n. Am awaiting a reply from Sam.
  11. kiwi

    Phrag besseae first flowering

    This is a first flowering seedling of Phrag. besseae x sib ('Super Star' 4n x besseae var. flavum 'Rubber Duck'). My very first ever Phrag to flower. Deflasked in August 2018. Good colour and shape. This should give good sized flavum once I cross it back.
  12. kiwi

    Paph praestans

    Really well grown. Any tips on culture? I have got a few seedlings so advice is appreciated.
  13. kiwi

    Bellatulum album

    That’s beautiful well done
  14. kiwi

    Lowii with 3 spikes

  15. kiwi

    Paph.rothschildianum 'Mont Millais' flask

    That’s absolutely awesome.
  16. kiwi

    For our British friends

    I also agree. I have only been on this site for 6 years but have noticed some of the best people with the greatest knowledge have now decided not to no longer contribute on this site. I joined this forum to engage with the best growers around the world and this has been sabotaged over the past...
  17. kiwi

    Paph.rothschildianum 'Mont Millais' flask

    I look forward to the photos. Justin what do you think are the most important factors to ensure that roths flower? Apart from age.
  18. kiwi

    Paph.rothschildianum 'Mont Millais' flask

    I agree the King King crosses are exciting. I will also pass on the MM flask.
  19. kiwi

    Prince Edward of York

    Wow one of the best ones I have ever seen
  20. kiwi

    Paph.rothschildianum 'Mont Millais' flask

    I am thinking about buying a flask of Paph.rothschildianum 'Mont Millais' FCC/RHS,AOS x self from Tokyo Orchid Nursery but was wondering if there is any point as this won’t produce anything that hasn’t already been bloomed. Do the roth experts out there think that this is a waste of time or...