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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. H

    Currently In bloom in my orchid room. Paphs, phals. Please look! I also want people to critique my photography!

    I think one thing working against me is that we live in an old house (built in 1905). I do have the door closed but the ceilings are high and it’s old fashioned radiator heat. It works great but it makes the air very dry. I did have four humidifiers going but finally had to take one away from...
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    Currently In bloom in my orchid room. Paphs, phals. Please look! I also want people to critique my photography!

    I feel your pain! I’ve got three humidifiers running constantly on high in my room and am struggling to keep the humidity in the high 50s.
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    Currently In bloom in my orchid room. Paphs, phals. Please look! I also want people to critique my photography!

    This photograph is amazing! The detail of the feathers is really striking. The colors and detail on the crest is just gorgeous. And that eye! What a beautiful bird!
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    Growing large flowered Paphs.??

    Thank you! 😊
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    Growing large flowered Paphs.??

    Bill-I think I have a cousin of your flower 😂 This is Cocoa Burhill x Spicerianum
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    Cattleya Jennifer Off ‘Joan’ 15 cm NS

    WOW Deborah! I see it’s been a good holiday season at your house. Beautiful flowers!
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    Phragmipedium Metolius River

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    Wanted Bulbophyllum beccarii or Bulbophyllum echinolabium

    Don’t know if this would be acceptable but it is for sale on Krull-Smith: Bulbophyllum echinolabium 'Bulldog' x Lindsey Paris 'Graceland' AM/AOS
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    Paphiopedilum Sanderianum

    Nevermind-just zoomed in and I see it’s a Roth (and looks very nice indeed!). It caught my eye because it looks almost identical to my Lady Isobel.
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    Paphiopedilum Sanderianum

    Beautiful fish!
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    Paphiopedilum Sanderianum

    Nice plants! Is that large one in the back a Lady Isobel?
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    Paph Season 2023

    Quite the sea of beautiful healthy green leaves there! I think you will go charging full force into 2024 and I’m looking forward to seeing it.
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    C. quadricolor coerulea ‘Azulina’

    That is really beautiful! I’m looking forward to seeing it in bloom!
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    New member Brazil

    Welcome from Richmond Virginia
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    spicerianum 'D.W.'

    You have a beautiful baby! 😂
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    How to pick out the best seedlings

    Whatever it’s called, it is gorgeous!
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    spicerianum 'D.W.'

    Oh that is just lovely! 🥰
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    Corysanthes hispida 'Wulgulmerang' FCC/AOC, ACE/AOC

    Congratulations!! What a fascinating little flower. The contrast is wonderful.
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    Cattleya jenmanii semialba pincelada ‘Splendiferous’

    That is one gorgeous cattleya!