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  1. tenman

    Phragmipedium warszewiczianum var. wallisii

    Excellent color with the rich green!
  2. tenman

    Phrag. d'alessandroi 'DD#2'

    Very nice! Unusually excellent color saturation on this one!
  3. tenman

    Cyp. guttatum

    Yes, where are you? I'd love to try this one again!
  4. tenman


    What is 'GPH'? As for the folks who got Roger's stock, all I can say is I checked them out last year and they had only a few kinds, and had doubled and tripled the pricing. Did not buy. I suspect they're just selling what was left of his stock and not replenishing.
  5. tenman

    Paph. armeniacum

    You can see the mix above in previous comment. I give it fairly high light while in the GH, up with the vandas and stanhopeas. Moist year-round, almost daily waterings while in spike. They go outside in the late spring as soon as I'm sure they won't get frosted (unless already in spike). 50%...
  6. tenman


    I follow Roger Zelinski's method and use the mix he recommended. It is unfortunate he closed his business, Raising Rarities; he had excellent plants. Since our 'soil' here is just rock, maple roots, and compressed clay, putting them in the ground was never an option. So they are grown in pots in...
  7. tenman

    Phrag. Schroederae

    I suspect it is a very old plant. I got it from Dick maybe 20 years ago, and his parent plant was quite large, so it was already quite old by then. I'm still hopeful the other cultivar will bloom this year.
  8. tenman

    Paph. armeniacum

    Well, it was in a fine bark mix originally, but I suspect it's broken down now. Mostly moss in it now I think. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to keep the plant intact through a repotting. I will, however, have a close look at it after blooming this year and may add some fine...
  9. tenman

    Phrag. Schroederae

    Got it and another cultivar form Dick Wagner years ago.
  10. tenman


    Always among the earliest to come up and to boom, this hybrid is a show-stopper every time, on a compact plant with lovely foliage,
  11. tenman

    Phrag. Schroederae

    IMHO the finest pre-besseae phrag hybrid. 7" tall flowers with awesome color and lovely twists to the petals. I love that the peals are thicker than the more long-petaled types and that they don't grow so long as to ruin the flower's symmetry. Only downside to this hybrid is that it is...
  12. tenman


    A division of a very old, originally collected plant. Always a pleasant surprise to see it in bud; the flower is nearly as large as the smallish plant.
  13. tenman

    Paph. armeniacum

    This plant garnered me a CCM from the AOS two years ago with five flowers; this year I had six, but two were a bit earlier than the rest and had begun to fade by the time these four bloomed. At 33 growths now, I'm hoping for 7-8 flowers next year if I can keep it happy. They do last a while.
  14. tenman

    Phrag. besseae fma flavum 'D'Oro' 4N

  15. tenman

    Phrag.Cape Sunset 3n

    Eric Young 4n x schlimii produced one of the finer besseae line hybrids.
  16. tenman

    Phrag. Schroederae

    SO how do you people get the notoriously difficult Schroederae to flower? My two haven't flowered in years. They flowered a couple times a few years apart, but since then, nothing.
  17. tenman

    Phrag. besseae: Differences between wild types?

    AFAIK, there are only two recognized varieties other than the type form: dalessandroi and flavum, and I'm not entirely certain of the formal status of the yellow, it may be forma, etc, since it's only a difference in color. There are, of course, different shades of color from a deeper red...