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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. luvsorchids

    Paph. bellatulum in the wild

    :drool::drool: Me too. WOW :clap::clap:! Susan
  2. luvsorchids

    Nick's final sale

    Of course-assuming they survive ;). Susan
  3. luvsorchids

    Phal amboinensis - flava type

    :clap::drool::clap::drool::clap::drool: Gorgeous. Susan
  4. luvsorchids

    Nick's final sale

    :D Susan
  5. luvsorchids

    Nick's final sale

    Congratulations, but I wish I had your plant budget ;). Susan
  6. luvsorchids

    paph Macabre culture

    :rollhappy: Susan
  7. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    Half true-peach pancakes for breakfast. TPBM thinks that Neofinetia growers are a cult :poke:.
  8. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    True, but I prefer to use erythritol. TPBM's city had The Prez visit today and a small airplane inadvertently violated clear airspace resulting in 2 F-15's scrambling from Portland, OR and arriving in the area along with 2 sonic booms that scared the heck out of everyone in the area.
  9. luvsorchids

    Strange malipoense plants

    I have a Paph fairrieanum that I got in bloom in January this year and it now has 4 buds coming. Two of the spikes are at least 9 inches tall, so well on the way. My fairrie album is also in spike. Also my confused Catt. percivaliana bloomed in June and looks like it may bloom again soon...
  10. luvsorchids

    Paph. helenae forma aureum

    I look forward to seeing them in bloom :drool:. Susan
  11. luvsorchids

    Paph. helenae forma aureum

    Love these :drool::drool:, Does anyone have the delicata form, or any information about it. There is a photo in the latest Orchid Digest and I just love the pink color, but haven't really heard anything about it. Susan
  12. luvsorchids

    Paph. Goultenianum + superbiens

    Love the photo :clap::clap:. Susan
  13. luvsorchids

    CA, ORE, WA slipper visiting?

    And I'm jealous :D. Susan
  14. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, but had some cheese (nonfrozen dairy). TPBM drove past a large apartment building today, then got home later to find breaking news that the building is in flames-amazing how fast things change. TPBM is also glad everyone got out okay.
  15. luvsorchids

    Clowesia russelliana

    I agree-Beautiful :smitten:. Susan
  16. luvsorchids

    Anyone growing in a closet? Garage?

    HO T5's are the way to go IMNSHO :D. Susan
  17. luvsorchids

    Splitting Nick Tannaci package?

    :rollhappy::rollhappy: Susan
  18. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, knock on wood. TPBM has some very fast, noisy birds flying around due to an upcoming event this weekend.
  19. luvsorchids

    CA, ORE, WA slipper visiting?

    I would highly recommend Hillsview Gardens. Theresa is a member here and her plants are amazing :drool:. Here are some photos from my visit earlier this year Susan
  20. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    True, though not for school. TPBM saw and heard lots of bagpipes being played today.