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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. luvsorchids

    Phal amboinensis

    Doing well for me this year. Love the markings on this species. Susan
  2. luvsorchids

    Fairrieanum Queen of Spades

    :clap::drool::clap: Beautiful. Never met a fairrie I didn't love. Susan
  3. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False TPBM just got to see a closeup view (about 15 ft away) of a 200 ft. airliner jacked up and then retracting/extending its landing gear and thought it was one of the coolest things ever.
  4. luvsorchids

    the slow death of the viaduct

    Not to mention the clueless politicians with their own agendas and the inevitable NIMBY's that cause endless delays :mad:. Susan
  5. luvsorchids

    Paphiopedilum Fumi's Delight 'Vaso' AM/AOC

    :smitten: Wonderful! Susan
  6. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False TPBM is getting a little tired of dealing with people where it is their way or no way.
  7. luvsorchids

    Norito's visit

    Wish I could have been there, but now working nights :(. Susan
  8. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False-not wondering why your wife left the cleaning products :poke:. TPBM finished working 10 hour days this week and could have worked the weekend too, but is glad to take a break and do some volunteer work this weekend.
  9. luvsorchids

    Paph. NOID (soon to be ID'd by vendor... hopefully)

    My first thought was that it has urbanianum in it. Hope you get an answer quickly. Susan
  10. luvsorchids

    Moving sale

    Thanks Ed-that was my first thought. Susan
  11. luvsorchids

    Phalaenopsis pantherina

    :drool: Love these with the large, dark spots. Susan
  12. luvsorchids

    photo permission spam?

    Wonder if it is one of the photos of Pleurothallis tarantula, but not sure why you would be contacted. Susan
  13. luvsorchids

    Whole sale Paphs?

    Excellent plants
  14. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    Never really thought about it, but now that you mention it... TPBM is currently standing up for what they believe is right and is taking on the Federal government even though they know they will most likely be slapped down like a fungus gnat :fight:.
  15. luvsorchids

    Miscellaneous stuff

    Wonderful cinnamon fragrance. Love this species. Mine is in spike also :). Susan
  16. luvsorchids

    Confused Catt. percivaliana

    The crazy plant that started this thread just finished blooming (again) about 2 weeks ago with 6 flowers. It also bloomed in January this year. Susan
  17. luvsorchids

    Happy Birthday Ernie!!!!

    Hope it's a good one!! Susan
  18. luvsorchids

    BBC Drama

    FEED ME! Susan
  19. luvsorchids

    Phal. cornu-cervi

    Nice one! It does have some yellow on it :rolleyes:. Susan
  20. luvsorchids

    Phal. lindenii

    :smitten: That one is just adorable. Susan