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  1. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    True, probably this weekend. TPBM never really got into the old Hawaii Five-O series, but very much enjoys the new series.
  2. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, but sounds yummy. TPBM has a wind storm going on right now.
  3. luvsorchids

    The person below me game...... False, but also thank you to vets for their service and sacrifice. TPBM didn't sleep well last night :(.
  4. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, but have done it in the past. TPBM knows that today is the 35th anniversary of a maritime disaster memorialized in song.
  5. luvsorchids

    NWOS Sale Haul

    I got the superbiens and Phals from Seattle Orchid, but could very well have originated from Oak Hill Gardens. The Potinara is from Sorella, who was there. Susan
  6. luvsorchids

    NWOS Sale Haul

    I helped organize the Northwest Orchid Society Fall Sale this weekend. Of course I had to help support the society and the vendors :D. Paph. superbiens Top one is Phal. pulcherrima v champornensis, bottom is Phal. instriptiosinensis This one was a freebie. Cute little Pot. Little...
  7. luvsorchids

    Paphiopedilum fairreanum

    :clap::drool::clap::drool: Love fairreanum. Susan
  8. luvsorchids

    Miscellaneous stuff

    Some people call it speciosa, some call it tetraspis. The argument (um, I mean discussion) goes on. Susan
  9. luvsorchids

    Phal hieroglyphica 'Tejas Canary'

    I want one :drool::clap::clap::D. Susan
  10. luvsorchids

    Phal. equestris Now in Bloom

    True, but the yellow is so faint it isn't really noticeable unless you get very close. I have looked high and low for a truly all white equestris and this is the closest I could come, so I like to call it alba :D. Thank you. The lip is truly white-probably lighting and/or camera sensor. Susan
  11. luvsorchids

    Paphiopedilum armeniacum basket culture success story

    Very cool :drool:. Love the hairy armpits. Susan
  12. luvsorchids

    Phal. equestris Now in Bloom

    I just love these little guys. Alba form in nearly full bloom Another close to alba with more yellow around callus and on lip Peloric form More typical form Susan
  13. luvsorchids

    Phal. Equalacea

    Yes, bigger than equestris. I grow intermediate to warm and seems to do fine. I grow in the house and I like it not too hot, but doesn't generally go below 65. Susan
  14. luvsorchids

    L. rubescens semi-alba

    So elegant. Susan
  15. luvsorchids

    Phal. equestris "Riverbend" AM/AOS

    Gotta love equestris :drool:. Susan
  16. luvsorchids

    Paph. Vipanii

    :smitten: Beautiful! Susan
  17. luvsorchids

    Phal. Equalacea

    Thank you all for the kind words :). I have a blue one of these. The flower form on mine is a bit different and the scent, to me, smells like sweet carnations and cinnamon...spicy! It's a very vigorous plant! I have seen photos of the blue ones and they are wonderful. I am somewhat...
  18. luvsorchids

    Phal. Equalacea

    This little one was begging to be photographed. She blooms sequentially, so only tends to have 1-2 flowers in good condition at a time. Also wonderfully fragrant with the scent of roses and has been in constant bloom for about a year and a half. Susan
  19. luvsorchids

    AOS?... or maybe just me

    I got my Orchids magazine with the special Dendrobium supplement a couple days ago. Last I heard there was no progress being made with the negotiations, so everything has been stopped for the time being. Susan
  20. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    As long as they are the floral kind :p. TPBM has too much to do today, so better get at instead of reading orchid forums.