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  1. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, but sounds like fun. TPBM saw a freestyle motocross demonstration today, was amazed, but also thinks that "no feet, no problem" is just plain crazy :eek:
  2. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, but had the clock on the oven do that a couple years ago :confused:. TPBM has been in a crappy mood the last few days, but is feeling more upbeat this afternoon.
  3. luvsorchids

    Cypripedium macranthos Kamanshi

    All I can say is :drool::clap::drool::smitten::smitten:. Susan
  4. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    Sorta true-picked some up at the grocery store today :D. TPBM really enjoys the summer berry season :drool:.
  5. luvsorchids

    Please ID this Phal species

    No, cornu-cervi and pantherina have the flattened "staghorn" spikes. Here is Phal. cornu-cervi. Susan
  6. luvsorchids

    Please ID this Phal species

    Based on the spike habit, I would say it is Phal. mannii. Susan
  7. luvsorchids

    Why You Should Drive Like A Maniac

    Especially for Eric :poke:. Tongue in cheek, of course. Driving like a maniac could also save your life. Authorities like the Department of Motor Vehicles, the federal government, and your driver's-ed teacher say that slower driving is safer for you, but the truth is that driving faster...
  8. luvsorchids

    Virus testing!

    I have heard second hand from people that use them that they work well, but you also need to take into account signs and symptoms. I am not sure what the % of false positives are, but there are more likely to be false negatives because these tests measure virus antigen present depending on the...
  9. luvsorchids

    Canning and food preservation

    Yummy :drool: I used to work with someone who made the best peach salsa :drool:. Not canning, but I just finished drying 24 pounds of apricots. I should now have enough dried apricots to last for awhile :D. Susan
  10. luvsorchids

    The aren't all beautiful

    :evil: Susan
  11. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False-not really any Dunkin' Donuts around here :(. TPBM is drying apricots and just made a blueberry cobbler and now their house smells like a bakery :drool:.
  12. luvsorchids

    What's fer dinner?

    I would agree. I've had it where it's ok, but would not go out of my way to eat it. Susan
  13. luvsorchids

    pygmy Drosera slideshow

    Yes :D Susan
  14. luvsorchids

    pygmy Drosera slideshow

    I grow my D. spathulata with my orchids in my house under T5 fluorescents and it is doing fantastically. Susan
  15. luvsorchids

    Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis

    Rotten meat stink :sob:, but these are really cool plants and I would for sure have one if I had the space and didn't grow inside my house :D. Susan
  16. luvsorchids

    paphiopedilum concolor

    :clap::drool::clap::drool:They're all really beautiful :clap::drool::clap::drool:! Susan
  17. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False, but I generally find there are always options. TPBM bought some wonderful local strawberries today and is planning on strawberry pancakes for breakfast tomorrow :drool:.
  18. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    True TPBM is very proud of their parents celebrating their 50th wedding anniversity today :clap::clap:.
  19. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False-not an issue here (knock on wood). TPBM is wondering what the person ahead of them in the grocery store checkout line is going to do with 4 boxes of 200-ft Glad Cling Wrap :confused: :eek:.