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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. paphioboy

    Paph. druryi

    Very nice!
  2. paphioboy

    Paph. delenatii

  3. paphioboy

    Anyone knowing what this could be?

    Agree with Milmanii. I had one plant of this with the same leaf pattern, grew vigorously but didn't flower, lost it after dividing.
  4. paphioboy

    Only Natural Fertilizers Anyone??

    Poop and pee! I use sheep pellets for most of the non-paph epiphytic and terrestrial orchids. They grow very well in tropical lowland outdoor conditions. One of the very best vandaceous growers locally swears on poop and pee for his award-winning vandas. This may not work for paphs, as the...
  5. paphioboy

    Paph. praestans

    Welcome back! Beautiful praestans.. I hope most of your specimen-sized praestans and cochlopetalums are still doing well..
  6. paphioboy

    Anyone Growing Dendrobium formosa group??

    Formidable can grow and flower when grown hot all year long too. One local nursery has several benchloads of these and several other Formosae hybrids (Dawn Maree, Roongkamul Vejvarut, Frosty Dawn 'red lip'). Formidable does produce very large flowers for this group, but my personal opinion is...
  7. paphioboy

    Paph ciliolare

    Very nice.. but the plant has only 4 leaves? Looks a bit weak to be carrying that flower. Maybe better to snip it off?
  8. paphioboy

    Cattleya amethystoglossa

    Very nice.. Does this species need a ton of light to bloom? I have one grown from seedling that is growing larger bulbs but yet to sheath.
  9. paphioboy

    Order received

    Nice salads! :p
  10. paphioboy

    Phal. Maui Galaxy

    That's gorgeous!!! I love it
  11. paphioboy

    Paph. sukhakulii

  12. paphioboy


    Hi fibre.. here you go. Its almost 10cm from the top of the crown/base of the spike, couldn't get the exact measurement as the spike grew a bit sideways:
  13. paphioboy

    Got it!

    Lovely contrast!
  14. paphioboy

    Paph Shin Yi Heart X Blacklight

  15. paphioboy

    Shamrock Tree

  16. paphioboy

    Paph. sangii

  17. paphioboy

    Paphiopedilum gratrixianum

    Beautiful clump! I think this species doesn't like hot conditions.. I have killed a few.. :(
  18. paphioboy

    Paph. esquirolei

    Very nice clump!
  19. paphioboy


    About 4 inches (10cm). But they are very floppy if not staked.
  20. paphioboy

    Mixture of recent blooms

    Angela, I am not too sure how much light as I just got this one in bloom. I did grow Golden Elf many years ago, grew well under Oncidium / Catt light. I think ensifolium should be similar. These probably do not like to dry out too much since they have small pseudobulbs, but the roots are pretty...