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  1. paphioboy

    Excited :D

    Thanks for the input. I saw mentioned online that crosses using hangianum are expected to be more heat-tolerant than other parvi crosses, so not sure if the temperature drop at night is required for them to grow well. So far, brachy and their crosses seem to do well for me grown hot, hopefully...
  2. paphioboy

    Paph Chiu Hua Dancer

    Gorgeous! Would love to find this hybrid..
  3. paphioboy

    Barbatum #2

    Same batch of plants at the nursery. Since people here don't believe in labels, I am not sure if they are of the same origin. lol. Flower size is the same. I have seen other pics of barbatum with a lawrenceanum-ish pouch. Maybe future bloomings will be different.
  4. paphioboy

    Paph leucochilum x Kevin Porter

    Nice! I think I should find some parvi x brachy crosses, since parvis don't like to be grown hot..
  5. paphioboy

    Blooming today

    Nicely bloomed! This is Chelonistele sulphurea, a relative of Coelogyne and Dendrochilum. They are native to the highland areas of Southeast Asia. I have seen some in-situ at Cameron Highlands early last year but without flower. They don't seem to grow and flower well when grown uniformly hot.
  6. paphioboy

    Excited :D

    .. to get several seedlings of Wossner Favourite (hangianum x leucochilum). This is the first hang hybrid I have ever tried. Any tips /quirks for this cross, if you are growing it? I hope it is heat-tolerant, given the leucochilum parentage. Have them potted in styrofoam, large pumice at the...
  7. paphioboy

    Another yellow

    Wow! Stunning!
  8. paphioboy

    P. villosum, P. insigne

    Nice bunch from this section..
  9. paphioboy

    Phragmipedium besseae

  10. paphioboy


    Currently, in a box in the sky. Except my stove is clear of plants.. :poke:
  11. paphioboy

    Garyu 'Eatons'

    Interesting.. Love it.
  12. paphioboy

    Barbatum #2

    Got it in low spike:
  13. paphioboy


    The front shot I took didn't turn out well.. here are the leaves. Callosum on left, barbatum on right. The mottling of these 2 species are highly variable. Usually I see barbatum with faint mottling and callosum with 'marbling' on the leaves.
  14. paphioboy

    What's Blooming at NYEric's Apt.

    Beautiful Dollgoldi... Now what does he have sitting on that stove? :p
  15. paphioboy

    Root growth time, should I fertilise the plants?

    Agreed, but does the water carrying diluted nutrients stay on the surface long enough to be absorbed by the root velamen? :confused: Same situation here in northern part of Malaysia/Thai border (Golok river side). My opinion is not to fertilize at all, or only a little bit for plants that...
  16. paphioboy

    Rhynchostylis gigantea

    Well-bloomed! Guess your temperature is not too hot to inhibit the proper formation of spikes. Over here, gigantea usually aborts spikes or grows short, stunted spikes if not air-conditioned.
  17. paphioboy

    Spicerianum with Double Buds!

    Beautiful! I love it..
  18. paphioboy


    Again, the brachy season is out of whack. Some are starting to bloom earlier than usual. This one is not from selected parentage, but pretty flat flower and good size, although not round in form.
  19. paphioboy

    Some catts

    Couple of recent purchases NoID, initially thought it was a hybrid of Cattleya walkeriana x violacea, but now a more likely ID is Heathii (loddigesii x walkeriana). Plant stature is small, resembles walkeriana. The entire spike of 4 flowers dwarfs the plant. Brassocattleya Saint...
  20. paphioboy


    Recent purchase, got it in low spike. I find that barbatum with broad leaves held quite horizontally grow better in consistently warm temperature whereas those of a smaller plant stature and more upright leaves (some I got from Cameron Highlands) suffer when grown in the lowlands.