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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Thank you!
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    I remember there was a thread about mericlone of delenatii blooming. Can anyone help to found out the thread? Thanks! Barry
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    Paph. Winbell X Paph S. Gratrix

    Don't waste it and cross anything you have then send me the flask!
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    Paph. lowii 'Chunky' AM

    Congratulations, Ramon!
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    Look like a giant hangianum

    Don't trust what you see on the computer! This one is only half size of normal hangianum and only two third of my palm.:mad:
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    Guessing Game....

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    Look like a giant hangianum

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    Paph Ho Chi Minh

    No thaianum and only hybrid.
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    Paph Ho Chi Minh

    Thank you so much! I have several HCM and only this one can last for 3 weeks at hot temp!
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    Paphiopedilum hangianum

    Do you have photos of the habitat of hangianum? I didn't grow this species in successful!
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    Paph Ho Chi Minh

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    My niveum

    Cannot focus on white flower by cellphone.
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    My little rothschildianum

    I rent a small part of greenhouse and the orchids behind is belong to other tenant.
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    Paph. Johanna Burkhardt 'Monster' AM/SM

    I hope I can have a division of this!:drool:
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    My little rothschildianum

    DS 5.5 and NS 29 cm. The dorsal is too small!
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    My little rothschildianum

    This one I use rocks and barks but some of the others use rocks only!
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    Wanted rothschildianum FCC photos

    This is a sad news!
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    Wanted rothschildianum FCC photos

    Thank you!
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    Wanted rothschildianum FCC photos

    I have try to search several rothschildanum FCC's photos. Did anyone has the below : 1. "Crystelle" 2. "Leo" 3. "Capricorn" 4. "Aries" 5. "Lauraleann" 6. "Beefsteak" 7. "Gigantic" And other question is there any F1 bloomed from these beautiful roths? Thanks! Barry
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    Lady Rothschild

    Two flowers only!:(