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  1. PaphMadMan

    Dendrobium aberrans

    That very rare thing, an orchid plant that is actually quite attractive when not in bloom - plus a gorgeous flower - plus easy to grow - and all in all cute as can be and small enough to squeeze in anywhere. Easily my favorite Dendrobium.
  2. PaphMadMan

    Why Two Names for the Same Cross?

    Yes, Hung Sheng Pink was registered in 2007 as moquetteanum x emersonii, but if moquetteanum is considered a variety of glaucophyllum (as it now is for RHS registration, though NOT in the Kew Checklist) then Hung Sheng Pink is also Pat Kalina (the older of the 2 names, from 1996). I think most...
  3. PaphMadMan

    Hilo Leopard x sukhakulii

    This actually looks exactly like a slimmed down version of the Hilo Leopard parent.
  4. PaphMadMan

    Brassavola nodosa Seed Pod Maturation Time??

    Green or dry really depends on what your flasking lab recommends. Either should give acceptable results. OrchidWiz tells me 70-75 days for B. nodosa green pod, based on one report. And I found a recommendation for 120-150 for dry pod. Those seem consistent with each other at least.
  5. PaphMadMan

    Paph henrietta fujiwara x dayanum

    I really don't see much in it that would necessarily come from dayanum. In a very general way the flower has a shape that could reflect dayanum, but I would expect some mottling of the leaves. The staminode looks very Pardalopetalum. Henrietta Fujiwara can have slightly twisted petals from...
  6. PaphMadMan

    Paph callosum var. potentianum

    That is really quite nice.
  7. PaphMadMan

    Easiest Way to Look up Registered Neo Hybrids??

    This is exactly what you need OrchidWiz for... My somewhat out of date version of OrchidWiz shows 91 registered V. (Neo.) falcata hybrids (first generation, there are 183 total progeny including all subsequent generations) . About 25 of them with pictures - with the list you could certainly...
  8. PaphMadMan

    Cypripedium calceolus

    That is an impressive crop of very healthy seedlings ready to come out of flask. Please update when you get to next steps.
  9. PaphMadMan


    Compare this to Paph Justa Doll pictured on Pretty close, and would be a bit smaller than a villosum cross I think.
  10. PaphMadMan

    Garyu 'Eatons'

    One description was for 6 flowers on one spike. Another was 3 flowers and a bud on one spike. The third does not say but the picture shows at least 5. All 3 awards are in New Zealand. Would Australian judges even consider those?
  11. PaphMadMan

    Garyu 'Eatons'

    That should put it in awardable range given the superior form and presentation.
  12. PaphMadMan

    so sad

    I would definitely agree. It is not at all an obvious or universal esthetic that any flower must be flat, round and open to be attractive. Is this awardable? Obviously not. Would I breed it? Probably not. Is it gorgeous? Of course it is. Is it disappointing? Only your eyes can tell you...
  13. PaphMadMan

    Is there Roth x Dollgoldi hybrid??

    Paphiopedilum Golden Coat (rothschildianum x Dollgoldi), registered 2015 by S. Kikuchi, Japan. Can't find a pic or any info, but the name implies the color.
  14. PaphMadMan

    Garyu 'Eatons'

    Not particularly colorful or strikingly marked, but the form and presentation are unusually graceful. I would take this over the 3 awarded ones pictured in OrchidWiz. How large are the flowers?
  15. PaphMadMan

    Is it just me?

    I agree that there has been more emphasis than necessary on crosses that are just variations on typical besseae and kovachii forms and colors. For years I have just wanted to yawn when yet another red besseae wannabe comes along. Phrags are somewhat limited in genetic range of forms and...
  16. PaphMadMan

    Brasiliorchis kautskyi

    Nice species. Thanks for posting. Brasiliorchis was segregated from Maxillaria by some authors beginning in 2007 I think. Along with species split off into Maxillariella, Camaridium and other segregates the changes are not accepted by Kew, but largely are accepted by other authorities - The...
  17. PaphMadMan

    Cattleya intermedia var. orlata

    I have to agree this seems rather blue for f. orlata if the color is true, but I think the definition of the form is the strong color distribution that extends into the side lobes of the lip - definitely seen here. And clearly gorgeous.
  18. PaphMadMan

    Burrageara Guann Shin Diamond

    Impressive blooms and the photo is outstanding, but I have to tell you it is clearly mislabeled. Burrageara was (Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium) before the great renaming in the Oncid alliance, and would be mostly Miltonidium or Oncidiopsis now. But this is clearly mostly...
  19. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum purpuratum

    Probably my favorite Paph species. Always love to see it.
  20. PaphMadMan

    "Bayers" - Baby Bio wipes

    When I feel the need to clean leaves I use unscented baby wipes - Huggies Natural Care since that is what I have around. For anyone with allergies that cause itchy watery eyes they are a great way to gently clean around the eyes, and I know from experience that the fluid doesn't sting or burn...